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      The creature had repeatedly said its name in excitement, the doctor simply studied it... how could it have been so ruthless? So absolutely malevolent, yet somehow be so sweet, caring and excited by small things? She didn't understand... she could only say that it was simple primal thinking... and maybe that's all it was. Animals rip each other to shreds in the woods all the time and people don't bat an eye, she felt this creature was the same... just had a bigger brain...
      "N wants to know you name..." It pointed at her, tail wagging behind it.
      "I'm... Y/N." She introduced herself a bit hesitantly, debating if it really deserved to know her name... after what it's done. Theyre certainly not friends, and most definitely not mates like it wanted.
"Like Y/N... pretty pretty..." It seemed to shut its eyes..... even if it couldn't move its face- The sockets just now did not glow with pinpoints of white, they were empty sockets... To Y/N, it almost looked more natural... like the skull that was its head was finally put to rest as the dead animal it was.
"I'm... going to go home... I need to sleep..." At these words, it's eyes were back open, looking at her in desperation.
"No, no go... stay with N, stay..." It whined like it always did.
"Your such a baby..." She snickered a little, actually amused by it for once. It stopped... it made her make that happy noise again~ A happy growl came from its throat, before laying in a circle around Y/N, it's tail wrapping around her leg.
"Stay. Keep warm... safe... catch morning meal..." It wanted to show her how it could protect her... how it could provide for her... it wanted her to know that it can.
She sighed, feeling it's surprisingly soft fur on her back and leg... she thought it over...
"Will you continue to not harm the people in the village?" She asked, raising her brow with a stern look at it... before it nodded its massive head a bunch.
"Then I'll stay." She finished, laying back on it, around its stomach area, earning a very happy little puppy-like yip from the creature.
"Can sleep, will protect all night, keep very warm." It explained again, wrapping a bit tighter... and it was right about the warm, she felt like there was a large blanket on her...

     And so the beauty spent her first night.... With the beast...

{Pssst! I though the cover art for this chapter was perfect!}

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