𝟎𝟏 𝑇𝑤𝑖𝑛 𝑔𝑢𝑛𝑠

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Valerie Ace Monroe

Ever have that moment in life where you wonder, 'wow, I'm a bad bitch'?

Yeah, I'm having that moment right now.

Tonight's mission is to deter the trafficking that's going on between the Night Eyes gang and the Dark Lunar gang.

I crouch down hiding between two crates, waiting for the right moment to shoot every one of these bastards between the eyes.

The waves crashing below fills the air, the moonlight shining down allowing me to see.

"How many are there?" Alonzo, leader of the Night Eyes, demands the others.

"18, but we plan to get more" another male responds, snickering at his statement.

My lip curls in disgust, and as if she can sense my anger, Allen whispers into the earpiece "just 10 more seconds Val, then you can cut them out"

I take a deep breath, her voice reminding me of the fun I'll have carving into these gang leaders' bodies.

It's my signature, to carve the hearts out of gang leaders' bodies, leaving my claim on my kill. I cut out their hearts as symbolic meaning since they damaged the hearts of the young girls they've hurt. Plus, name it gave me doesn't hurt.

"Alright, they're in there?" Alonzo asks, motioning to the storage unit on the pier.

I hear their feet start to shuffle, meaning the men he asked must've nodded their heads to his question. Just the confirmation I needed.

I hear the unit door shut behind the group of men that walked into it. I stand up from where I'm hidden, "showtime" I muse into the earpiece.

I strut over to the 5 men guarding the door, raising my twin guns that were strapped to my thighs into both my hands, taking my shot.

I shoot a bullet into three of their heads, the last two men charging at me with sloppy jabs that aren't hard to avoid.

I easily move to the side, clocking my gun into the one man's temple, and colliding my leg into the other's gut. Both of the men topple over on the ground, and I easily shoot both of them between the eyes.

The five men guarding the storage unit drop like flies, allowing me to step over their bodies as I whisper to Allen, "heading in".

I blink a couple of times to adjust to the bright luminescent light, taking in the aluminum walls and cement floors.

I purposely slam the door shut, the rattling sound causing everyone's attention to turn to me.

"Hope I'm not missing all the fun." I mock, plastering a smile I know make men see red.

the men draw up their guns with their lips curled, trotting towards me.

They shoot a couple of bullets past me as I roll on the ground and aim my twin guns back at them.

Three huge men charge at me, but they're not quick enough to take a shot before I do, causing a bullet to pierce between their eyes like the rest of their friends.

With ten more men left, my gun in my right-hand runs out of ammo.

I curse under my breath and instead chuck it at one of the members' heads before he can throw another punch at me.

Each man screams a series of curse words at me as they throw hooks left and right, shooting at me with their sloppy technique. Seriously, who taught these boys how to fight?

I run over to stacked wooden crates, climbing them like stairs before jumping up onto a rope hanging from the ceiling. I swing down and shoot at the men while holding on, kicking some in the face.

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