𝟐𝟎 𝑔𝑎𝑚𝑒 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑛

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Ezra Artorino POV

I haven't slept in the 72 hours she's been gone, and I probably won't be sleeping for a while. Every time I close my eyes the face she made when Leo told her what I did comes flashing back. The look of pure disgust and rage, I saw as her green eyes darkened.

Her walls that she let down locking back up and turning to pure iron.

She told me every time she started to care about someone, something bad always happens. She thinks it's her fault, and I feel sick knowing I'm the one that proved her right.

Putting my head in my hands I rub my eyes, groaning as the loud slam of the door makes my head pound even more.

I hear mumbled voices outside the hall before the meeting door opens, revealing Matteo and Allen.

"You look like shit."

"Can you blame me?" My voice is raw from all the yelling I did while colliding my fists into the walls, which explains the numerous holes in them.

"You could at least shave." Allen cuts in, eyeing my appearance. I've been up for days researching article after article, map after map. Any information on Ghost Hill I could find, even tracking down old emails. Nothing comes up, it's exactly like what they call it, 'the place that only exist in rumors'.

I narrow my eyes at her, rolling them when she gives me a teasing grin.

She's right, I look and feel like shit.

"Why? So I can look decent while sitting here finding absolutely no fucking information, while she's out there in pain, scared to death! She's going through that nightmare all over again, so no I won't fucking shave, or sleep because she's probably not getting the same treatment."

She shrugs, her curly hair falling off her shoulder, "if that's how you want to show up when we get there, then fine. But I'm pretty sure Valerie isn't attracted to facial hair."

I snap my gaze up at her, furrowing my brows.

Matteo plasters a grin, "Seth found eight gang dealings going on in Ohio, all in one place. And coincidentally, it's all near an abandoned farm. So start packing, we're going to Pillersburg."

I get up from the chair just as quickly as I sat in it, getting to my feet and trotting to my room, pulling out the large duffle bag of clothes and weapons..

"Start the cars, get the men, we have to hurry" I order Matteo.

He nods as his eyes assess me, "we're going to get her back, she's going to be ok."

I look back over at him, zipping up the duffle bag and pulling it over my shoulder, "she's always fine, but she's not going to be great. And I need to get there before they lay another finger on her and my kill list gets any longer."

We both walk out of the compound, meeting Allen and Seth in the car. The rest of our men drive behind, three cars full of them. On our way to her.

Valerie Ace Monroe POV

I forgot how horrible it felt to not know how long you've been stuck here, especially trapped in a blazing hot room. It feels like I've been stuck in the chamber for days, the guards had to peel my body off the floor when they finally got me.

My muscles feel as though they're made of jelly, head lolling to the side as two large men drag my body down the hallway to God knows where.

"Fuck she smells" one of the men complains.

I'm too exhausted, coming in and out of consciousness from the heat, that I can't snap to tell him where he can shove it.

"She was only there for two days, deserves longer for all her trouble"

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