𝟐𝟑 𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑒𝑛 𝑓𝑙𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑠

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Ezra POV:

After awhile of walk through the field with the evening sun hot on our backs and weapons heavy at our sides, we stand guarding the gates in front of the abandoned looking building.

The concrete walls rusted with graffiti and dirt, black sticky substances and rusted pillars are probably the whole reason nobody cared to look at this place.

I turn away from the building towards the rest of the gang, including Matteo and Seth, "Micheal's, Williams, and Rizo you will go down the east wing, Matteo you will go through the back door west with John and Theo-"


"Seth, take down the alarms and hack the cameras to look for Monroe before disabling them-"

"Ezra" Matteo repeats again louder than before, pointing a finger behind my shoulder.

I look behind to find groups of girls stampeding out of the building, blood splattered on all their faces. They race fast as if their life depended on it, not taking a second to pause before jumping over the fence until they see us.

One girls eyes go wide, and before her and her friends could run further away Seth voices, "we're here to help"

The girls face pales further even with their frantic breathing.

I think of the tone Valerie used to comfort the girls after every mission as I try to mimic the same tone, "we're here for Valerie Monroe, we can help you as well"

The young girl, no older than twenty with golden hair and brown doe eyes narrow at me before turning over to the other girl out of the many behind them, her friends dark almond-shaped eyes void of emotion as her dark hair blows, narrowing on me.

Her voice is a deep snarl as she demands, "how do you know Valerie."

"We worked on this mission together." I reply simply, not know how to further explain our relationship as of now.

Before I can ask any more questions, a loud boom explodes within the building, everyone looking forward at the bright orange flames erupting.

My heart races as I think the worst, she could still be in there. She could be unconscious, or trapped in that cell-

The windows explode as flames erupt, broken glass flattering to the ground in tiny crystals.

I take a step to rush in but am halted by Seth's tight grip on my bicep, holding me back.

I swing my arm forward only for his grip to tighten further. Before I could bark at him to let go, a figure emerges from the building.

Her boots appear first, then the grey leathers. Her dark brown hair undone down her waist.

My lips part as she continues to strut forward with feline grace, the building in flames behind her as those green eyes burn into mine, wild with flames of her own. Her left hand gloved with dark blood as it holds a fist sized red organ, I don't even have to guess what and who's it is as everyone stops to watch the Queen of Hearts walk towards us, unfaltering the determined strides as she gracefully dismounts the fence before Matteo breaks in, "um Ez-"

Her hand slips to her waist belt, pulling out a dagger already dipped with dark red as she lands, continuing her path towards us- me in three wide strides before she smashes her fist to the side of my cheek.

"shit-" Seth rushes over to us, but she's already crashed her body onto mine with a hard jab. I catch her arm but forget the hill behind us as we both fall to the ground, tumbling down the hill as the dead grass cuts our skin.

I don't realize my hands wrapped around her waist until our rolling comes to a halt, both of us looking at each other catching our breaths.

Her eyes are so bright with murderous flames that a chastire smile grows on my face, one I know she loves so much as I muse,
"Hello, Ace."

Ok I know this short but I had go get it done since it's important - but i had to get it out of the way, you know what I mean?

I sorry for the late chapters, school has been a beach and thought it was cool to drown me with homework- anyways.

Hope you all enjoyed reading these chapters, and don't forget to comment what you think!

Love you all, mwah <3

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