𝟎𝟒 𝐿𝑢𝑐𝑘𝑦 𝑚𝑒

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Valerie Ace Monroe

The next morning I slept in, ignoring Artorino's order to leave last night, and began to walk down stairs to now leave for Ohio.

The morning sun shines through the overhead windows in the entry room as I walk down the stairs, Artorino and the group already waiting for me.

"morning!" Allen shouts walking in, throwing an arm over my shoulder.

Artorino scowls, adjusting the sun glasses on his nose.

I raise a brow and chuckle, "what's the deal with the glasses?"

Matteo grins, "I took Seth and Mr. Cranky pants out for drinks. Apparently, he really needed a drink, and now he's hungover."

I lean my shoulder against the banister, chuckling at the thought of Ezra needing to get drunk to cope with his annoyance that I've caused, "No wonder he's being more an ass than usual."

"Shut it." he groans, grabbing our bags and carries them to the black SUV waiting for our departure outside.

I notice nobody else has their bags out,  and Allen still standing there in her sweats.

"You guys aren't coming?" I raise a brow at them just as Seth walks up, shaking his head,  "Matteo has training to do with the men, and Allen and I are going to go over transactions in Ohio that might give us a lead"

I groan, and rub my temples, "so you guys are leaving me with Captain Ass face. Alone ?" I narrow my eyes.

Allen gives me an apologetic look, but I can still see the humor she finds in my predicament lined on her face, struggling to suppress her laughter.

"trust me, I don't want to be around your annoying ass either." his low voice mocks, waving a hand towards the car.

I roll my eyes, walking past him out the door, waving goodbye to Allen and the others before hopping into the passenger seat.

We sat in silence before reaching the airport, the private jet all ready for flight.

My gawking at the luxurious seats and champagne must've been noticeable since Artorino took off his glasses, giving me an annoyed look.

"It's just a champagne glass Monroe, not gold" his low voice spoke.

"I'm admiring it, don't be jealous since you don't get that sort of attention often" I snap, continuing to admire the fine work and detail in the leather seats, cushioned to fold perfectly around your body. The champagne glasses indeed rimmed with rose gold.

He scoffs, crossing his arms over his black short sleeve, his muscles shifting with the movement.

I had three glasses of champagne during the flight to Ohio before Artorino annoyingly took the bottle away from me. Saying in his oh so deep voice, "no drinking" this and "you're annoying" that. Really he needs to come up with better insults.

When we landed we jumped into another black SUV and drove straight towards the pizza factory Hennings told us about, not wasting any more time.

the car coming to a stop, I take in the destination. The cracked stained concrete walls and floor, bricks scattered here and there. The darkness devouring the hole in the inside of the building like a permanent black stain followed by the grey sky above.
Hennings wasn't lying, this place is definitely abandoned.

I clicked the safety off my gun, and slide my dagger to my spine following Artorino out the car.

We kept our steps quiet, however at the moment I wish I didn't choose to wear my tight leathers that keep shifting around my thighs.

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