𝟐𝟕 𝐴𝑙𝑙 ℎ𝑎𝑖𝑙 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑒𝑛

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Valerie Ace Monroe POV:

The Shadow Hunter compound has been busier than usual. Seth sent the location and surrounding area to Allen, Matteo, Ezra and I, which led to another meeting about Ghost Hill and where to go on from here. Matteo and his brute mind put one idea on the table which was to blow up the building. However, after using her "computer genius powers" as she calls it, Allen explained that the building has running gas pipes under ground, one explosion would lead to not only the building exploding but near by cities also.

Since then we've been trying to find other ways to destroy any trace of Ghost Hill for good.

The Ghosts however, have been adjusting well to the compound and training with the Shadow hunters with Matteo as their instructor.

Though, the Shadow hunters seem to keep a safe distance from the Ghosts, either out of fear or to keep away from being humiliated. Even tiny Ella has proved to them she knows several different ways to gouge out an eyeball.

Since figuring out there was another Ghosts Hill and the locking me in a broom closet incident, Artorino has kept his distance. We're back to our old game, hide and hide, no seeking. And if we do end up in the same room due to this deal, then conversations are short and sweet.

I probably won't end up in another closet with him anytime soon since he's sticking to his promise. He said what he had to say, and since I said nothing that led to his second option, to let me be.

The afternoon sun shines a iridescent gold light through meeting rooms panel windows and onto the oak table all twenty Ghosts are seated around.

I asked for them to meet here to not only see how they are, but to ask again if any of them want to look for family. Though most of their family are dead or don't act like family at all.

"When will we go on a mission and kill bad guys?" Ella's sweet voice questions as a few more ladies take their seat.

"I haven't heard of any activity yet from other gangs, most are trying to lie low after the destruction of Ghost Hill." I reply, clearing my throat to establish the next topic, "all of you are no longer under anyone's terms and are nobody's assassins. However, if we were to go on a mission, all of you would have to listen to orders."

"Like, orders from you?" Roslyn leans forward bracing her elbows on the wooden table.

With a nod of my head I saunter closer to the table, "Yes, most likely. Maybe some of Artorinos but you guys don't need to go on the missions if you aren't ready-"

"If we are to assist in missions then we take orders from you. Only you." Quinn crosses her arms, "we have no leader, no need to do what we've trained most of our lives to do. Our life's work will only go to waste if we don't help, and if we're to take order from anyone, it will be from you. As our leader."

I open my mouth but close it like a fish gasping for air. I've never considered having my own gang, own group of assassins. I open my mouth to object again but this time Athena speaks.

"You led us well in Ghost Hill, and we wouldn't have ever escaped if it wasn't for you taking charge. We've seen the way you lead and it's nothing like Leo, but everything better. We won't help if you aren't our Queen." The rest of the Ghosts nod their head, murmuring their agreement while Ella cheers a 'here here'.

I look around at all their faces, admiring the young and aged, porcelain skinned and golden brown, but all strong, skilled assassins.

With a lazy grin I say, "I'm not gonna make it easy for you."

This time Lidia answers, her long black ponytail swinging as she turns her head, "even better."

Crossing both arms I contemplate what this could mean.

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