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Valerie Ace Monroe

2 years later

I slap down more chips, betting higher.
Ezra chuckles from across from me, not looking up from his fanned out five cards in his hand, "someone's confident in their hand."

I roll my eyes, "I've been told my confidence is my best trait. Too bad for you its not transmittable."

He chuckles a deep laugh, and I can't help my eyes from trialing down from his plush lips, to the open white dress shirt and loose tie I ripped off him only half an hour ago, my core heating again.

We're both seated on our king bed, comforter nowhere to be found, as well as my dress I had on. We are supposed to be getting ready for Allen's birthday party we're hosting here at our house, but instead we're playing poker. Practically naked. After going three rounds.

He adds a chip, betting up. A grin plasters his face, "get ready to pay up, Ace. I've dealt a good hand."

That's cute, he thinks he's going to win. I fold my lips to keep from grinning, "if you say so."

He slams his cards, laying all five flat to reveal his four of a kind.

Wiggling his brows, he grins, "any last words, Mrs. Artorino?"

My core pulses at those words. We've been married for almost 2years, a few months after everything that went down at that construction site. He proposed when our house finished, on the beach under the stars.

After the day of finally finishing our mission destroying Ghost Hill, when I said I wanted to go home, he brought me to a plot of land on the beach, with only dry wall and pillars. After exploding one building, he was building me a new one to call home. A house on the beach, under the stars for me to always see, blue shutters with a porch swing, and the cliche welcome mat by the front door that says, "Go Away -The Artorinos."

Our ceremony was in our backyard on our beach, as the sun set and surrounded only by the gang and family. It was everything I've wanted.

I swallow the dryness from my throat, quirking a brow, "I guess I do."

I lay down my five cards, not only revealing my winning royal flush, but also the written words on the Ace card.

His eyes immediately land on the three worded sentence. I am pregnant.

His eyes scanning it once, twice, three times before snapping back to mine.

Those blue irises practically glow as his eyes redden, "you can't cheat at poker and joke like that."

At this I laugh, my eyes filling with emotion, "I'm not joking, I promise."

With that confirmation he pounces on me, crushing me in the cocoon of his arms. I laugh, amused with his reaction as his lips pepper kisses on my neck, behind my ear, both cheeks, my nose, and finally my awaiting lips. My tongue meets his, tasting mint and his addictiveness.

When we're both out of breath when he looks down from above me, "you're going to be the perfect mom."

My eyes well with tears, needing these words, "really?"

He nods, looking confident in his assertion, "absolutely. This kid will be spoiled with love and gifts from just you being their mother alone. And with the others, our gangs, this kid will be treated like royalty."

I chuckle, "you won't be a bad dad either."

He makes a sound, looking between pain and wanting to laugh. "Before we tell Matteo and Seth, you should know something."

My brows pull together as he continues. And that's how I found out Matteo was the God father of our daughter, Nova Samantha Artorino, because a bet Ezra made in hopes he'd stop from falling in love, and utterly failed. But so did I.

I guess that's one thing about our crazy heart, you can't help who you love, and thank the stars for that.

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