𝟎𝟗 𝐶ℎ𝑖𝑙𝑑𝑖𝑠ℎ

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Valerie Ace Monroe

The ball didn't go as expected. We were meant to ask the Efron family about Ghost Hill- not have a sleepover.

Once the ball ended and the families cleared out, Eric's mother showed Artorino and the rest of us to our rooms.

Their home is gorgeous and decorated with extravagant decor.

The guest room Mrs. Efron showed me to has to be the size of a large living- lavished with white curtains, floral wallpaper, and a queen bed.

Truly a beautiful home, the aesthetic fits Mrs. Efrons style well.

I shower off the makeup and sweat from tonight's dance and change the night clothes Ezra sent his men to pack for me along with a few other outfits.

I pull back the seashell colored comforter to tuck into when a knock comes from the door.

I turn the handle and pull back the oak door, Artorino standing there still in the clothes he wore to the ball.

He pushes his way into the room, leaning his body back into the birchwood dresser, rubbing his temples, "this can either go terribly wrong, or it can work in our favor" he murmurs.

I shut the door, placing a leg under myself while sitting on the edge of the bed, "we just have to be on guard. Don't make anything suspicious, think long about questions before asking them, but make sure we're getting the answers we need."

He looks back up at me, "you sound like a gang leader" he says, a grin slightly crossing his lips.

I shrug, "I'm not one of the best assassins for nothing"

A deep chuckle escapes his lips, that smile vanishing when he asks, "are you alright- being around him again"

My stomach rolled over from his sudden question.

To hide from it, I scowl, "it's nothing for you to worry about, Artorino."

Those blue eyes pierce into me, seeing right through my shit, but instead he says, "ok," nodding his head once, opening the door, "good night then, Monroe" he murmurs, closing the door, finally shutting out those paralyzing blue eyes.

I let out a breath that was held in for too long when tucking under the covers, staying awake for a while alone with my thoughts before falling asleep, having a nightmare of the man that owns this house.


Allen barged into my room to get ready with me. She even picked out an outfit for the both of us; a tight black dress that reaches mid-thigh, a string of pearls used as straps, crossing in the back leaving the rest of my skin uncovered. Not my usual jeans and jacket, but it was cute.

I threw my hair in a low bun as Allen left hers down, wearing her own black dress that dipped in the front, showing off her chest.

We joined the Efron family and the others for breakfast, trying to listen to the conversation the boys already started with Xavier.

"The cartels are making lots of money on their drug dealings, it sounds like a good deal." Xavier spoke, turning over to Artorino, "are you still dealing drugs, Mr. Artorino?" He inquired, raising a blonde brow.

I looked over at Ezra, that usual mask of calm on his face matched with a sinister smile, "actually, I've been interested in looking into the cartels myself, along with other places to trade things" he mused.

The lie was smooth as silk, and went perfectly with our plan.

I turn away from Xavier and Ezras conversation to look at Matteo and Seth sitting across the table eating their own breakfast while keeping an eye on their leader.

"Ms. Black, you look beautiful" Eric grins, those brown eyes running over my body before meeting my own green eyes.

I give him my own soft smile to thank him but Artorino interrupts, "she does, doesn't she. Her skin is as soft as it looks" leaning back in his chair.

Matteo erupts into a coughing fit, choking on his orange juice as I glare daggers into Ezras head, but he continues to face away from me avoiding them.

Eric raises a brow, "I'll take your word for it..." he murmurs, those brown eyes landing on me again, "would you like a tour?" He asks.

I nod my head, "sure-"

"Mind If we join? I'm interested to see more of this beautiful home" Artorino suggests, sipping his glass while looking at me over the rim, winking.

I roll my eyes, getting up from my chair and following Eric out of the room.

After showing us several rooms and family paintings Eric led us into their training room.

"Big brother" a woman squealed.

Her blonde hair wrapped in a bun, rubbing her hands on her leggings as she walked over to us.

Her eyes looked over us, but I noticed her gaze lingering on Ezra the longest, "who's this?" She asked, her brown eyes narrowing down on Ezra.

"These are our guests, Ezra Artorino, Veronica Black, Matteo Smith, Seth Locklyn, and Allen Scott" Eric introduces, waving a hand at us.

"This is my sister, Lidia" Eric grumbles, running a hand throw his hair.

"This is the training room, we train our gang here" Eric explains, motioning towards the fighting rings and weights. Not as big as the Shadow Hunter compound training room, but has that similar sweat smell.

"And over here" Eric walks over to a door, opening it to let all of us in, "is our shooting range".

"So how old are you" Lidia flutters her lashes towards Artorino, hooking her arm around his.

He smiles at her, "25, and you gorgeous?"

I scoff, turning back to Eric, "can I try out a gun?" I plead sweetly.

Eric grins, walking over to the wall, taking one down. The black pistol heavy In my hand.

I raise the gun, clicking off the safety.

In the corner of my eye I can see Artorino's tall frame sitting in the chair, Lidia in his lap with her hands in his hair.

I don't know what's gotten over me. I'm annoyed, I'm mad, I'm disgusted. I shouldn't care- but why do I.

I clear my throat, "mind helping me" I ask Eric innocently.

I feel those blue eyes on me as Eric hovers behind me, setting his hands on my hips, while telling me how to shoot a gun in my ear like I haven't been doing it since I was 8.

I lean back into his touch, taking my shot, the bullet meeting it's target perfectly. As always.

"nice shot" Eric chuckles.

"Can you show me how to shoot?" Lidia babbled, running her hands down Artorino's chest.

Artorino grins, standing up from the chair strutting towards me.

Shoving the gun into his hand, I step back to watch his next move.

He raises the gun with one hand, clicking off the safety before wrapping his inked arm around the blonde woman's waist.

He cranes his head into the crook of her neck as he takes his shot, not bothering to remove his face from her neck.

His blue eyes flicker up at me over her shoulder, an emotion I can't read frosted over them.

An infuriated huff escapes me, shaking my head at his childish, annoying behavior.

However, I can be just as childish and annoying.

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