𝟑𝟑 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑘𝑒𝑟

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Valerie Ace Monroe

Recap from the last chapter:

I already miss laying in bed, soaking in the warmth radiating from his solid chest.

As if he senses my shift, his hand wraps around my elbow and tugs me closer to him, leaning his head down till his lips find mine, using his tongue to trace the bottom lip before flicking to the roof of my mouth, promising this isn't over, that it's real.

Pulling back, his eyes search mine, "you ready?"

I nod, my swollen lips curving into a soft smile as his hand wraps around mine, swallowing my small palm with his huge one before walking back down the hall with me.

Back to Barlows establishment, and to a meeting that will either make or break this whole mission.

One foot through Barlows front door and I already miss the comfort of the hotel bed.

My eyes travel discreetly around me, scanning our surroundings, noting the number of maids and Barlows men that stand by windows, doors, and that hideous carpet at the foot of the stairs. All of them keeping too close of an eye on Ezra and I as we make our way towards Barlows office.

Entering the disorganized room, I look at the shit eating grins on Matteo and Seth's faces as they lean against the back wall behind Allen, Quinn, and Athena who all sit in chairs in front of Barlows desk.

Shooting them a scowl that dares them to say something, I move to take the one chair left next to Quinn as Allen says, "you don't look nearly as exhausted as dear Ezra, do you need to ride me next?"

I wink at her, "I'll ride you anytime you want."

Quinn snorts, trying and failing to hide her chuckle and innocent blush behind her hand.

All amusement dies as Barlow enters, taking a seat in his chair and staring down at us like as if we are the annoying children.

I grin, pleased with his annoyance and the stress lines I know I'm the cause of are stamped across his forehead. "I heard chamomile tea helps with stress."

He glowers, "I would sleep easier if I weren't thinking about you and your band of banished toys running around my city trying to win a fight you can't win, dragging me and my members down with you."

"As weird as it is you think of me while you sleep," I start, causing Barrow to shoot me a nonthreatening glare, "I think it's safe to say that my banished toys and I will do quit fine winning this fight against Santerzo, because unlike you, my beauty rest have done wonders with helping me come up with a plan."

"If this plan involves my gang and supplies, then forget it Monroe." Barlow seethes, "you've cost me ten men too many the other night against Michaels guys."

I roll my eyes, picking at my red manicured nails, "don't worry, your men have no use for me anymore. Your chemist however-"

"Absolutely not." Barlow shouts, slamming two hands on his desk and standing from his chair, "you're not wiggling your way into my business like you did last time. Nearly costing me my entire gang."

I stare at Barlow for a minute, noting his protectiveness over his gang and distress over the thought of me near it again. I release of a sigh of defeat, raising my palms in the air before mumbling "fine, but it'll take us all day to gather our things to head to our next location, then we'll be out of your hair," I frown at the balding spot on top of his head, "or what's left of it."

His cheeks turn red, all the way to his ears as he bites out, "get out, do what you have to as long as you leave by tonight. Just- leave."

I grin, ignoring the confused gazes of my friends as I strut out the meeting door.

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