𝟏𝟗 𝑠𝑤𝑖𝑡𝑐ℎ. 𝑜𝑓𝑓.

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"In there"

I'm jolted back to consciousness, struggling to open my swollen eyes.

"Ezra?" I croak, trying to pull my arms up only for them to be held in place by restraints. The blinding white light hanging above me piercing through my skull.

I suddenly remember what happened at the cabin and where I am when I taste dry blood and his face hovers over mine, "hello my favorite toy. We need to plant our new invention in you but don't worry, it'll only take a few seconds."

I try to move my head away but it hurts too much. Everything hurts. I can't do anything but lay there as they embed a micro object into my neck, screaming animalistic noises and threatening him until he yells something and darkness consumes me.

My body aches when I wake up again, this time in a dark familiar room.

"No", looking around at the dirt-covered walls. The same bed I slept on most of my childhood.

"No-" I slam my fists into the door, pounding with all my remaining strength trying to ignore the pain of needles poking my skin.

I let out a cry, "please, get me out of here! Please, I can't be in here-"

I gasp for air, unable to contain the sobs that escape me. The walls, with the same marks and drawings on them from my past, start to close in, making me feel trapped in the already small space. Not again, I can't be in here again.

My eight yearold self is pounding on the doors of my heart, my 17 yearold self angry at me for being stupid enough to get stuck here again.

It's a struggle to breathe, and I find myself using his face to comfort me. I hate him, he's the reason why I'm here. I hate him.

Yet, the memory of his face, his scent, his touch is what helps calm my breathing. Only making me punch the mattress, picturing it's his face. Not even 24 hours ago was I tangled in his sheets with him, confessing I cared about him. 24 hours ago I was free, I felt safe, and now-

I shrink away into the shadowed corner of the room, broken sobs leaving me. I've stayed strong for so long, never showing any signs of fear or weakness- until I met him.

I was weak when I was with him, and I'm weak again now. Crying in a corner because I'm back in the one place that has haunted me for years. The past I've been running from has come back, and it's all his fault.

I don't know how long I was in my thoughts until the handle starts to turn. I quickly stop my quiet wails as the door opens, revealing two girls.

One is blonde, her gold locks in two braids that frame her heart-shaped face, her tiny figure dressed in the infamous gray leathers all Ghosts wear.

The other girl has a dark silk straight bob, her almond-shaped eyes showing no emotion as she chucks the gray fabric at me.

"Get dressed, Leo wants you at training." Her low baritone voice orders.

I swallow hard, shutting off all emotion and feelings from before, like a switch in my brain.

I secure my dark hair into a high ponytail, zipping up the front of the leather suit before strutting out with the two ladies.

The hallway is just as dark as I remembered, the concrete walls lined with dirt or some other substance. Way different from the bright white walls in the training room, a red matt in the center.

At least twenty other girls stand there, throwing a series of kicks and punches in sync. The tiny blonde from earlier comes beside me on the mat, "I'm Quinn".

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