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You held your breath, and finally, loud cackling filled the room.

From the shadows, a tall figure emerged, "My name," he said, catching his breath with a final wheeze, "is the Undertaker. Well, that's what they call me, at least."

You... You knew that voice, that figure. You pushed the small tufts of your hair away from your eyes.

Your voice caught in your throat, and you stumbled back, "A-Adrian?" Your voice came out as a whisper.

The man froze, he lifted his hand, gently pushing his bangs from his face, as you had done. "[Y/N]?" His voice cracked.

You took a cautious step toward him. It was him... Scars and all.

"It's been so long," He breathed, sniffling as he tried to hide his glistening tears.

You opened your mouth, "God it's–"

The sound of a door almost being torn off its hinges caused you both to leap back.

"Undertaker!" Sebastian voice rang out.

You both flung your bangs back over your eyes, and you stayed silent, your body hidden from Sebastian's view. "I went into town with the young master's new maid and she has appeared to vanish. You wouldn't have happened to seen her, have you?"

Adrian let out a small giggle, "I don't believe so. What does this maid look like?" He let out another small laugh.

"Her name is [Y/N], she has [H/L] [H/C] hair, with bangs that dip into her eyes, she's about this tall, and she is quite feisty for a mortal."
"Describe this maid, in one word."
"Exquisite," You froze, a smirk pulled across the Undertaker's face.
"Is that so, Sebastian?"
"Oh, don't pry, I only meant she was intriguing. Now, have you seen her?" Sebastian spoke, his usual calm and seductive voice had become defensive.
"Exquisite, you say?"
"I swear, Undertaker, if you don't drop that– Have you seen her?!" Sebastian grumbled.

Adrain looked to you, a question apparent in his body language.

You shook your head frantically, waving your arms and making as big of motions as you could without Sebastian noticing.
"No, I have not seen Miss [Y/N], I apologize I can be of little service."

There was a long pause, stiffness in the air.
"Undertaker... Are you lying to me?"
"N-no, what would make you say something so silly?"

You peered around the book case that was keeping you hidden, watching as Sebastian's shoe just made it into sight.
"You're not laughing," Sebastian hissed, and a giggle escaped the Undertaker's lips, but not one full of happiness and joyous cheer, one of anxiety and a slight sense of fear.

Adrian opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by the clopping of another pair of shoes.

"Michaelis, what are you doing here?"

"Well, if you must know, Faustus," Sebastian seethed, "I'm looking for your so-called lover. She has seemed to vanish, thanks to you."
"Thanks to me?"
"Oh, did I stutter, Spider?"
"Isn't it your job to keep your employees safe and accounted for? Yet, here you are, at a man who buries people for a living's shop, think your carelessness killed her off already?"

You ran a hand down your face, and looked to Adrian, raising a finger to your lips. With slow and steady steps you gathered your bags and crept around the shelves, reaching the front door.

You cleared your throat, "Boys, that's enough. Stop acting like children, or territorial puppies. I can handle myself, thank you." You looked to Sebastian, "I bought everything we need. Let's go. Claude, I'll speak with you later."

He nodded ever so slightly, before casting his eyes to the ground. Oh, what a day.

Nearly Emotionless ( Sebastian x reader x Claude )Where stories live. Discover now