The Letter.

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 "I apologize, I didn't mean to upset you. I'll spend the night elsewhere." Sebastian said, defeat ringing in his voice as you reached the manor's path, unfortunately, still together. "[Y/N], if he does hurt you... Tell me. I will always be here for you." He spoke softly, and you could have sworn you saw a tear roll down his cheek.

You didn't reply, instead, turning toward the carriage and your bags which lay soaked out front. You didn't move once you gathered them, just sitting in the quieting rain until the dark clouds were mere specks in the sky.

"[Y/N]!" Mey Rin howled, her small figure marched from the garden trail. "What happened? Sebastian won't speak with anyone aside the young master!"

"It doesn't matter." You mumbled, lifting the bag and walking towards the back.

"Yes, it does! He's never once been in anything, but tip-top shape. What on Earth has gotten him so out of whack?"

"He got into a fight with my... Partner." You mumbled, keeping your eyes cast down in embarrassment.

"You didn't tell me you had a boyfriend!" Mey Rin spoke giddily.

"Well I do." You muttered, quickening your pace in a futile attempt to avoid any further questioning. "But if you don't mind I would like to be alone."

"But what about Sebastian, he's all shaken up. Will you talk to him please?"

"No. I will not speak with him, I have nothing to say!"

"But... He looks a wreck, I've never seen him like that in my life." She pestered.

"Mey Rin, I said no and I mean it! It's his problem now, not mine, and not yours so just leave me alone and stop digging around into other peoples business." You growled.

Her face turned a bright shade of pink. Her large round eyes reddening with a sniffle, "What's happened to you? Who's this new girl. First your keeping secrets, then you start running off, and now your hurting everyone around you?! What's wrong with you?" She screamed.

You sighed, and pulled her into a tight hug, but rather than accept your embrace she threw you away, pushing you with all her force.

The impact was swift, gravel digging into your skin, the force, startling, but there was something else, tearing deep into your leg. It burned.

You let out a gentle yelp. You looked down at the white dress you were wearing, slowly a crimson flower began to seep through.

Your leg. It was soaked in blood.

A thick piece of glass–no doubt from Bard's piss poor job of throwing out the shattered cutlery from last night–was jabbing into it.

"OH MY GOD! I'M SORRY! IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!" Mey Rin cried. She bent down, about to pull out the glass.

"No! Don't," You said, frantically. "The glass has torn too deep, if we pull it out without the right supplies to close the wound, I'll most likely get a nasty infection, and I'd prefer to not die this week. Agreed?"

She whipped her nose, nodding as tears filled her eyes.

You grit your teeth, there was only one option. "Get Sebastian, please."

She raced back into the manor, and you aloud yourself to scream.

It was a loud painful sob. You gripped your leg tightly with one hand, with the other you began to rip the material of your dress, tying your leg above the wound, and tying under. You were thankful when Sebastian and Mey Rin arrived again, Ciel trailing not to far behind.

"I need a bucket of water, a clean rag, alcohol, a thin steak knife, a dental mirror, a needle and thread, and a pair of tongs!" You shouted at Mey Rin.

"What happened?" Sebastian asked nervously.

"I slipped," You lied, Mey Rin would never intend on hurting someone and you didn't want her to get into any trouble.

Mey Rin instantly returned with the supplies. This was not going to be pleasant.

You sat up slowly, eyes searching your bedroom for anything you could find entertaining.


Absolutely Nothing!

You pulled up your skirt and pushed the bandage away, the stitches had already healed into a scar, but no one could know that.

"Finny!" You shouted, recovering your injury.

"Yes, [Y/N]?" He asked, trotting over to you slowly. A glint of concern in his eyes.

"Do you... Do you think, I could... Maybe... Borrow a pen and some paper?" You asked sweetly.

Finny's eyes widen. "What ever for, My Lady?"

"I need to write a letter to a friend. Please?" He hesitantly retrieved you a pen and paper.

"If I may ask, who is this friend?" You glanced up, pen in hand.

"His name is Adrian. An old work acquaintance."

Finny nodded, before leaving you to your thoughts.

Dear Adrian,

I am so very glad I ran in to you the other day.

I must ask you a question, do you still have my scythe?

I am afraid I need it, ever since our 'alteration' of my life it appears that my job as an exorcist has begun to put those I care for in danger.

I know that we could only do so much with your book; however, leaving me with a few of my abilities as a reaper has begun to drive me insane.

I can still see cinematic records and it's not right.

Earlier today I should have died from a horrible cut in my leg, but I didn't because I knew I would need to sterilize the wound due to this gift/curse.

I'm sure you'll know what to do.


Nearly Emotionless ( Sebastian x reader x Claude )Where stories live. Discover now