Annoying Roommates & Pester some Emotions

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 You sat nestled under your pile of blankets, pillows stacked high to prop you up as you read the wonderful book you had found a long while back. Or you were until something pulled one of the large pillows out from underneath you.

"Hey!" You groaned, sitting up to lock eyes with a pair of deathly red ones. You crossed your arms, brows furrowed.

"My apologies, but last time I checked it was my pillow. There is an order to things here, you'll come to learn." The man shrugged, tossing the pillow onto his bed before sitting down.

You frowned, inhaling deeply, a dulled edge to it, much like an old knife that hasn't been used for a while. You looked away, bitterly. You didn't wish to make such a poor first impression, but you were not one who took lightly to condescension. You didn't want any more trouble, so despite how much you wished to tell him off, you bit your lip and buried yourself back in your novel.

The man, Sebastian if you were remembering his name correctly, chuckled darkly clearly amused by your annoyance. He stood up walking towards a room you could only assume was the bathroom.

You could hear the bath water running and you readjusted yourself to comfort. This job was supposed to assist you, help you get out of the city and the troubles that awaited you there. You had bounced from place to place, and just as you were finding some semblance of what you had hoped was safety... It burned down.

The bathroom door opened with a soft creak to reveal the raven-haired man with nothing but a towel tied around his waist and a pair of white gloves.

You immediately shoved your head back down focusing so very hard on the sentences, and not the man who clearly had no regard for social etiquette.

"Oh, what a bashful girl you are." He taunted.

A growl caught in the back of your throat, your fingers gripping your book tightly as you fully sat to face him. Etiquette be damned, you took him in with an unamused face, "I'm sorry, do we know each other?"

Sebastian paused in his tracks, a look of surprise in his eyes, caught off guard by your remark. He opened his mouth, but you didn't let him speak.

"Because I don't think we officially met," You held out your hand to him, which he took with a smile. You returned the gesture, the expression not quite reaching your eyes, and with a swift tug you pulled him down. Your left hand caught his throat, firmly, keeping him from landing atop you, "Let me clear something up for you, Sebastian, was it? I am not a child. I am not here to play games of wit and condescension, I'm here to do my job, as our master has requested it. If you have any confusion about that, please let me know and I will gladly clear that up for you. Yes?"

Sebastian's eyes were wide as he took all of that in, "Of course, Cherub," he smirked, "My apologies."

Before you could react, tell him off or, more likely, punch that stupidly sharp jaw of his, a loud knock emitted from the door.

"Mister Sebastian! Miss [Y/N]! The Young Master would like you to go into town tomorrow and fetch him more tea and Bard needs more flour!"
"Yes, of course, thank you Mey Rin." Sebastian called out sweetly before turning to you. "I should go see if he needs anything else. Sweet dreams, [Y/n]."

Cherub: A sweet angelic looking child, a child of innocence and purity.

Nearly Emotionless ( Sebastian x reader x Claude )Where stories live. Discover now