The story of you, the reaper

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The lines of well dressed people were endless.
"When we call your numbers please exit your row and enter through the double doors." The voice repeated for the hundredth time. "Number 0083-71. Number 0083-76." You inhaled sharply, eyes meeting your partners.
"Why so worried, Dearie? We'll be fine! A routine check is all!" Adrian reassured you. With a reluctant nod you stood, polished shoes clicking against the polished floor. Two stern looking men held the oak doors open for you as you passed, a loud slam informed you that there was no way out now.
"Mr. Creevan, Ms. (L/n)! Please help yourself to a glass of water or a sweet." The 'friendly' faces of the higher ups offered. Adrian reached out for a tempting butterscotch, your hand instinctively swatting his away. "You called us, Evans?" You asked, eyes skimming over the four heads. Their hair all slicked back, or to the side, glasses rectangular and thick.
"We will just be doing a routine check."
"This sure doesn't feel like routine." You snapped, giving the suits glares.
"Mr Creevan, please follow Ms Cassidy. " he continued, "Ms (L/n) please follow Ms Tanner." A young woman with thin cat eye spectacles took your arm, her blonde hair pulled into a tight intricate bun.
"What?! You're separating us!? You can't do that!" You fought, yanking away from the attractive girl. Head sharply turning to scowl at your bosses.
"Follow. Now, Ms (L/n)." Evans silenced, daggers glaring through his icy frames.
"Adrian! You can't let them do this!" You pleaded for his support, trying to go forward as your chaperone kept you back.
"(Y/n), just go." Your foot stumbled, collapsing onto your knees, black men's shoes scraping the floor. 'Ms Tanner' yanked you up, pulling you towards another ominous door. "Enter." She instructed. Your shaking hands pushing the heavy door. "Wait here, you'll receive further instructions soon." The room... hallway rather, was empty. A long tiled floor spread ou. White ceilings and walls surrounded you, almost in a naive purity. You glanced around, and you noticed it then. Your scythe lying against the wall, a hose fastened into a gun, the nozzle the exit for the bullet. You quickly drew it to you, cocking it and inching closer down the hall.
Darkness surrounded you, the sound of footsteps approaching heightened you're awareness. A quick shot, another, another, another. More, and more, and more and more. You kept sending them in an ongoing wave, nearly endless. Each step stopped after each fatal shot. And then lights came on. Blood poured down the hall, no longer white tiles but pink ones. You let out a deafening scream, clawing at the door to be let out. Swinging open the door Adrian was by your side, hand grabbing yours you took off down the battle field hall, further inwards. Not out. Further away from freedom. The steady buzz of a chainsaw echoed behind you, as a scraggly man with a demonic smile and ratty hair pursued. Bullets gone, adrenaline through the roof. If only you could grab it and stuff it in the barrel of your gun, it would sure do the trick.
"Don't look back! Just keep going!" Adrian ordered, releasing you.
"What about you?!" You asked, as his pace began to slow.
"I came to protect you, not slow you down." He smiled, your face dipped to a frown, lip quivering.
"Stay safe." He whispered, and you kept going. Adrian yanking out, his very own scythe, a steal rake. You couldn't help it, against all urge to look forward you couldn't help but look back and as you did, it happened. The saw tore through his flesh a loud cry echoing in the air.
"No..." You whispered, feet sliding to a halt. The raggedy man breathing deeply, as if recovering from ecstasy.
"YOU BASTARD!" You roared, running full speed with your gun shaking uselessly in your hand. Taking it back as you ran with all the force you could muster you veered it forward sharply.

A loud sound of metal slicing cracked the air, you stepped back. A clean slice in the man's body, no longer a gun in your hand but a thick scythe. Platinum handle with an Adamantium blade. Gold and bronze accents laced up the handle in the shape of a spider web made out of feathers. You thew down the weapon, collapsing into the Crimson waterfall. Head draping over your arms, rocking back and forth.

"You've passed, Ms (L/n). You've become a member of the team."
You glanced up through your ratty bangs, your single braid to match Adrian's was loosening and splattered with blood. Breaths raspy, and weak.
"I don't want to be a part of your damned team, you bastard, can't you see that?! YOU JUST KILLED MY FRIEND!" You sobbed, body racking with the pitiful sounds.
"Did she pass?!" A voice shouted from the hall, your eyes glancing up. Adrian, there he stood drenched in blood, a fresh cut running across his face and neck.
"A-Adrain?" You whispered, slamming your hands off the ground you bounded to the man. Arms engulfing his weary figure.
"But... You just died."
"So did you. Gave me these scars too, pretty nasty. Huh?" He chuckled. You pulled back, lightly dabbing at the wound with your clean sleeve. "I'm sorry."
"Why? You didn't really do it." You looked into his solemn eyes, and nodded.
"I guess you're right."

Evans cleared his throat loudly,
"Now that the lovey dovey moment has ended," he stood, lifting up your new ornate scythe and thrusting it to you.
"Both of you, welcome to the team."

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