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You listened to the sound of anxious footsteps approaching your door. "[Y/N], I have some news." Sebastian said seriously.

"Yes, what is it?" You mumbled, hiding the letter beneath your bed covers.

"We are having guests tonight. And seeing as you are the only other logical servant, The Young Master requests that you help." You nodded, before the realization kicked in.

"But Sebastian, I can't walk." You say softly, pointing at you bandaged leg.

"I know, however those were the orders. And you and I both would prefer not to disappoint."

"So, what do you propose?" You ask, Sebastian walked over to you. Sitting at the foot of his bed, eyes locked on yours.

"How badly does it hurt currently?" He asked.

"Not terribly," That was an understatement, it didn't hurt. All the throbbing had stopped yesterday, along with the bleeding. And it had actually begun to heal, however no one could know that. You needed to keep that a secret. It was crucial. "I do have an usually strong immune system."

"Do you think it would be possible, in the slightest to walk?" You considered this question. Could you? Of course you could, but should you say you could? And would it cause any suspicions? "I could probably manage."

"Are you certain?" Sebastian asked, stepping nearer to you.

"I won't be certain until I try." You say, taking Sebastian's outstretched hand. You had considered stumbling or falling even, but you realized that this was an opportunity to seem well enough to continue on with life as... 'normal'. You took the first few steps slowly before completely depending on your own feet, no longer using Sebastian the small amount of support you actually needed. "Do you think you can manage doing that for a few hours?" You nodded.

"If I couldn't do this, what kind of a maid would I be?" You asked him teasingly.

"I suggest changing." Sebastian says before leaving, you looked forward to see a reflection of a girl you didn't know. Your [H/L] [H/C] hair was left in messy and frizzy knots, cheeks stained with small speckles of blood from the fall, a few smears on your forehead and chin as well from the crimson liquid, and the dress ripped worse than you thought could be possible and the dirty grime and blood didn't help your cause. You lifted the bag containing your new clothes, from the undergarments and corsets to the over layers. You didn't hesitate in grabbing the yellow fluffy collared sleeveless button up shirt and long multi layered yellowed skirt with a short train, along with your necessary undergarments. Heading off towards the bathroom all you could do was hope, hope your secret was safe. Hope no one would notice. These thoughts rattled around in your head as you took a short bath, climbing out just before your body became too familiar with its comforting warmth. The clothes fit you well, and as annoying as corsets could be you were appreciative that you now had one that did its job.

"[Y/N]! Our guests are about to arrive!" Mey Rin shouted from the hall.

Your feet bounded into the hallway, watching as Mey Rin turned to her room.
"Mey Rin, could you mail this for me?" You asked her, holding out the letter.
"Of course, it's the least I could do." She said, guiltily. You smiled thanking her, and assuring her that it was completely alright.

You gracefully made your way to the first floor where Sebastian stood awaiting your guests. "Do you know who is coming to visit?"

"For once, I honestly have no idea. The Young Master felt no need to inform me." You stood in silence along with Sebastian, listening to the rain continue to echo outside. The sound of knuckles against the heavy oak door seemed like a slingshot being forced into action. Sebastian grabbed the door open only to be face to face with none other... than Claude.

Nearly Emotionless ( Sebastian x reader x Claude )Where stories live. Discover now