A Failure

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 It was quiet. The sound of the carriage's wheels provided a rhythmic thump thump.

You kept your eyes fixed on the greying sky, crows crying out in the disyance. The majestic plants slithered over the rolling terrain, a small drizzle sprinkled your window.

"So... Why did you go to the Undertaker?" Sebastian asked you.

"Hmm? Oh, I-I don't, well, his door was open, so I walked in, and asked him not to tell anyone I was there."


"Because I wanted to be alone."

"He's a mortician," He paused, eyes looking you over with disbelief, "Most women would do anything they could to avoid his insane asylum of a shop."

"Well, I'm not like most women." You said curtly, hoping the cliche would satisfy his questions.

He nodded, allowing the both of you to return to your sight seeing. A tension in the air.

"What do you see in him?" Sebastian spoke harshly, this time. The silky smooth, seductive tone in his voice, lost.

"What do I see in who?"

"Faustus. That spider." He growled.

"He's a good guy, he may be harsh and sarcastic and rude, at times-"

"Isn't that the understatement of the year," Sebastian scoffed irritably.

"But he is a good guy! He means well, you just don't know him like I know him." You defended.

"No, you don't know him like I know him."

"Let me guess you've been through hell and back together, huh?" You spat at the demon, who chuckled darkly.

"You could say that. Boy, could you say that– But you're wrong, [Y/N], you're wrong! He is not a good man, he is a despicable leech! He is a parasite, sucking at your soul, don't you see that? You deserve better than that." The carriage stopped, and you had no hesitation as you stomped down those steps.

"Better like you?"

Sebastian's mouth hung open for a moment, eyes hurt and distant.

The carriage pulled to a halt before the manor, and before Sebastian could reach the handle, you threw open the door, angrily stepping out.

You spun back to face him as he clambered after you, the indescribable emotion pulling at his lips, "Claude was right about you, Sebastian, you are despicable. You... You demon," You grit.

From the coin pouch tied to your belt, you pulled out a small crucifix and held it out toward him, "The power of Christ compels you, and may the lord be with thee, and with thy spirit!"

He shook his head, palms out to you.

A bitter icy-ness ran through your blood. How dare he try to manipulate you into trusting him over Clause? How dare he insult Claude?

You growled angrily, throwing the bags down as you took off toward the sprawling, woodsy acreage.

"[Y/N]!" He shouted.

The dizzying sound of ringing in your ears just as loud as the sound of your rapid heartbeat.

"[Y/N]! Please!" Sebastian yelled, his arms gripping your own. "Listen to me, please. I know you care about Claude and I know this is the last thing you want to hear, but he is dangerous! You can't trust him. He will betray that trust and you could be put in danger, please [Y/N], I need you to listen to me." His voice was shaken as he gripped your arms trying to keep you still.

You shook your head, pounding your fists against his chest, "YOU'RE LYING! You're lying," Your voice shook, tears prickled just behind your eyes, sharp and hot. The rain lathered your hair and matted it to your skin.

"I'm not, you know that."

"Yes, you are! You're lying! STOP LYING!" You screamed, fists once again beating his chest. "WHY ARE YOU LYING TO ME?! YOU'RE LYING! I KNOW YOU'RE LYING!" You boiled, trying to hide yourself from a lie that felt... Quite true. "STOP LYING TO ME, SEBASTIAN! PLEASE STOP LYING TO ME! I KNOW YOUR LYING!" You continued to fuss, pounding his chest, over and over.

He grabbed the back of your neck, slamming his lips against your own in attempt to silence you, and perhaps strike a memory.

You tried to pull yourself away, fits still batting his chest, weakly. Killing demons had been your job, you couldn't be kissing one, it was sinful! You gripped Sebastian's shoulders, trying to push him off. However, something about that kiss felt right. It felt electric. Sebastian moved his hands to your waist, as you continued to fight him.

You broke free, his eyes an eccentric shade of pink. "I..." You took a breath, stumbling back, "No. No. I'm courting Claude, and you're a God damn demon. Stay away from me." You whimpered, raindrops caught in your eyelashes.

His brows knit together.

"You were hardly subtle," you admitted.

Sebastian's bangs were stuck to his face, much like your own. "For your benefit," He reached his hand out, trying to caress your face, but you were to far, recoiling from his touch. He bowed his head, "You've compromised your morals before."

"What?" You breathed, shaken. "What do you know of the things I've done? What do you know?"

Sebastian brushed his hair away, shaking his head, a droplet of rain running down his nose, "Please... [Y/N]. I'm not going to let anything harm you."

"Sebastian, that's enough. Please, just leave me alone."

Sebastian's usual calm complexion was twisted into one of sadness, his eyes looked at you with a sense of loss, fear, regret, and worst of all failure as if he was failing you, and to him maybe he was.

You turned away, shrugging the moment off your shoulders, and trying to shake the sense that all of this was so very familiar.

Nearly Emotionless ( Sebastian x reader x Claude )Where stories live. Discover now