Chapter 10

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"Why do you even exist?!"

"All you do is bring us bad luck! You're just a curse on all of us!"

"Just die already! Not like anyone cares about you!"

"Do everyone a favour and just disappear!"

Nightmare kept quiet as he was continuously assaulted by the villagers, both with words and violence. He was already used to this after all so staying silent had become an easy enough task for him. It didn't mean that he didn't feel the pain, but he knows that not giving them a reaction will make them leave sooner rather than later. Indeed, after a while with not a single sound from the young skeleton the villagers finished up and decided to take their leave. However he didn't trust them to be gone from the area or done with him yet, not until he could feel their presence completely leave. They had tricked him like that before after all and it did not end well for him.

But then again since when did things ever go well for him?

Minutes went by before their aura faded, and it took a few more moments before he was sure that no one else was in the area with him. He slowly crawled over to the base of the tree, clutching his ribs tightly as he let out a small hiss of pain. It wasn't as bad as the other times, but it still hurt so damn much. There were a few drops of blood that got on the ground as he made his way and he made a note to clean those later before Dream came back. With how things usually go though he knew he'd have plenty of time to do that. First he had to tend to his injuries. He reached his hand down, a bit past the roots and pulled out some bandages that they'd hidden just in case. Under the tree were more stuff than just bandages; some medicine, herbs, berries, fruits, and other items they'd usually need. Of course Dream generally used the medicinal items to help the villagers while Nightmare often used it to help himself because of said villagers.

Ironic, he knows, but it can't really be helped after all. Dream was always busy being bossed around by the villagers to do stuff that they wanted so he usually didn't have enough time to be around for when they beat him up. Despite that he never actually blamed him for it, not fully anyway. Nightmare had always been jealous of Dream and he can't deny that there's definitely a part of him that blames the other for his situation, but he also loved his brother and knew that he would do whatever he can to protect him if he really knew what was going on.

He didn't though and both of them were hurt in some way because of it.

Nightmare leaned himself against the tree before he felt around his bones to survey the damage and found: three broken ribs, a fractured clavicle, broken fibula, fractured wrist bones, and so on. There's actually not as much as last time and he could fix these up in a few hours tops. He's just thankful that he'll be in slightly less pain than he'd usually be, thank goodness for all of the small mercies in the world. Plus he'll be able to talk with his new friend longer. Well actually his only friend right now but at least he made a new friend. The only problem was that they couldn't really see each other often or through normal means but that was fine, just as long as they get to hang out at least once or twice a week.

After around 2 hours- record time for him considering his injuries- he was finally able to climb up the tree and lay on one of its branches, relaxing enough to fall asleep now that he would be a bit more safe. It was finally time for him to meet with his friend in the Dreamscape.


Nightmare opened his eyes and looked around, smiling when he found himself within the Dreamscape. It seems like Dream was still awake too so he could go see his friend without his brother knowing.

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