Chapter 5

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Nightmare had woken up early in the morning. He saw that the others were still asleep, even Error. That was good, he barely got any sleep so whenever he did they all just leave him be to get as much as he could. Nightmare easily and silently removed the blanket from his form, but couldn't do the same with the skeleton holding him close.

Killer had shifted in the night and ended up sleeping on top of Nightmare, arms wrapped tightly around the negative beings waist area. He let out small snores that Nightmare just found cute as hell and made him smile. He couldn't help himself and slowly lifted a hand then placed it on the sleeping skeletons skull before rubbing it gently. The action caused Killer to snuggle closer to Nightmare, pressing his skull against the hand and purring softly in contentment. The king blushed and looked away. Killer was too damn adorable for his own good.

But as much as he wanted to stay like that for the rest of the day- for the rest of his life if he could- he had to go and visit a friend to clear his mind. So he begrudgingly removed his hand, making Killer whine at the loss of contact. Nightmare took the blanket that he had previously been wrapped in and draped it onto Killer. He immediately pulled the blanket closer to himself and smiled in his sleep. Nightmare slowly then escaped from Killers grasp and stood in front of him, debating something in his head. Sighing with a hint teal on his cheeks, he lowered his head and placed a small kiss on Killers head, causing his face to explode in a massive blush and Killer to smile as he held the blanket. Nightmare immediately headed to the kitchen in a rush, blush still visible on his face, where he opened a portal and walked through.

Unbeknownst to him Dust had already awoken and was just pretending to sleep. When he figured his Boss was gone he sat up and chuckled to himself, glancing at his phone. On the screen was a video of what just happened as soon as Nightmare woke up all the way to him kissing Killer. This was good blackmail material, better make sure he has enough copies.

A tap on his shoulder made him turn his head and see Horror looking at his phone. He grinned at him and they understood each other perfectly.

"Can ya send it to me?"

"Sure, for some cream puffs of course."



As soon as he was through the portal Nightmare immediately made sure that no one was around to see him. Once he confirmed it was only him in the area he then changed into his passive form. The tar that covered his being slowly drained away, clean white bones being revealed in their place. The substance dissolved and he now looked like every other Sans in existence, sans the lavender eyelights.

He wasn't wearing the clothes he usually wore in this form though, having changed them a while ago. Instead of the purple tunic he now had a closed midnight blue hoodie with a white long sleeved shirt under it. He had on black slacks that was matched with similar black sneakers. The circlet he previously had was left at the base and he instead wore a gold necklace with a silver crescent moon on it, hidden by the hoodie. It had been a gift that the others had given him on their OGTGA or "Officially Got Together as a Group Anniversary" and he'd worn it ever since.

Once all of the goop was off he walked towards the nearby city. It didn't take him long to get there and find his favourite place to go to, which was also where his friend worked. Opening the door, the bell of the shop rang to alert the owner of his presence. There were only a few people there seeing as it was an early Wednesday morning in this AU, so a lot of adults were still working at this time while most children were in school. He took his usual seat next to the window and just stared outside as he waited, thoughts drifting back to the other Dream.

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