Chapter 4

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This is gonna be some team fluff, though I don't know if I'll succeed with this.

The team was just chilling in their castle, well, Nightmares castle. It had only been five days since their latest raid and it seems that the Star Sanses hadn't been active as of late. This also meant that it's been five days since Nightmares encounter with that other Dream.

After Reapers visit, they immediately started discussing the situation with the other Dream as thoroughly as they could with what they currently knew. Error had told him that Ink never made any new version of DreamTale so it seems that the alternate Multiverse thing might be more credible. They've seen a glimpse of the NaJ one before and they still felt a bit weirded out. If he was telling the truth then that gives them some answers but also more questions. How did he get here? What was their Multiverse like? Does he have a Nightmare as well? If so then was he also here? They had both been talking about this for the most part of five days and have drawn some possible conclusions, but nothing too concrete.

While Nightmare and Error were busy discussing what they've learned, the team was just chilling downstairs. Dust sat in the kitchen with his elbows on the table, propping his head up. Horror had his face planted on top of the surface and was sound asleep, occassionally letting a snore escape. In the living room Killer sat on one of the beanbags they had gotten as he kept his eye on Cross, the latter of which was eating a chocolate bar while one hand held a red knife. The teary skeleton stared longingly at the chocolate with his hand reaching out as if to grab it.

"Don't you dare Killer." Cross threatens while quickly finishing off the last of his chocolate. He wasn't getting any of it today, no way.

"Come on, just gimme one chocolate bar and I'll leave you alone." Killer whined and leaned back into the beanbag.

Dust looks between two of them then at the ceiling. Error and the Boss haven't come out for a long while now. They were probably getting too caught up with something again. It didn't happen often but it was common enough that they've already got a plan in case they did so, and it was about time they started.

'Guess it's time for Code Parent Trap.' Dust chuckles, still finding the name funny. It had been Cross and Horror that came up with it after the fourth time it happened. Though no one said anything, they all knew that Nightmare and Error were the parental figures of their little group. Of course Killer obviously had more than fatherly affection for their Boss, but he'd deny it whenever someone asked. He's pretty sure Nightmare himself knows but doesn't mind it with the way he smiles fondly at the other. If only the two of them would just fess up and get together already.

Dust stands up and walks over to Cross. The monochrome skeleton looks up at his companion before he gets whacked on the head. Killer starts laughing but is soon whacked as well. Both skeletons held their heads, groaning in pain while Dust drags both of the up the stairs. Horror wakes up from his nap and sees them go. Not wanting to get left behind- and also possibly missing a good prank- he gets up to follow them.

"So, what're you doing?" The cannibal asked.

"Dragging these idiots with me to get Error and Boss out of their office." Dust replies.


"Because neither of them left the room for five days and I want to have another movie night with everyone there."

"Movie night!" Killer exclaimed and rushed ahead of the three.

"Parent Trap?" Cross and Horror asked excitedly. They haven't had a good excuse to do this in months!

"Parent Trap." Dust nodded and watched as the two cheered. Both of them ran to catch up to Killer, leaving him behind.

He just kept walking at a leisurely pace. There was no need to rush, Killer was probably dragging Error and Nightmare out of the room and since Cross and Horror were running there they'll be helping out with that. It wouldn't take him long to get there anyway, just a few more steps, two lefts and straight ahead.

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