Chapter 2

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It had been weeks since that day and neither Dream nor Nightmare felt any more spikes at all during that time. This originally worried them for a bit and put them on edge, but after a while they just dismissed it. Nothing major had really happened in that time so it probably wasn't anything too serious, besides they had other things to worry about right now.

The Bad Guys were currently locked in a fight with the Star Sanses. They had decided to raid a MafiaTale AU and were hauling some of the stuff they got- which included a new television to replace the old one they broke- when their enemies had arrived. Nightmare told Killer to bring the rest of the stuff inside while they fought them off, which the goopy eyed skeleton begrudgingly did.

Everything went as they normally did with neither side having an advantage, but something suddenly felt off to Nightmare. While he was fighting against Dream he had the strangest feeling that he was being watched. As someone that others fear and hate he knew that there was a high possibility of spies and such, so he's trained some of his senses to detect things like these just to be on the safe side. It wasn't exactly unusual for him to be watched; more often than not it would usually be his enemies trying to find his weaknesses. However he got more worried when he also felt a chill go up his spine.

That wasn't normal, so something was really off here.

Using one of his tentacles to hit Dream aside, momentarily stunning him, Nightmare glanced towards what looked to be an apartment building to his left. The two buildings, both appearing to be around five floors, stood side by side with a dark alley in between. From the looks of it, it's been long abandoned and most likely filled with rodents and dust. It was from the third floor that he could sense the invisible eyes gazing at him, specifically from the slightly opened window on the right side. He looked closely at the open part of the window and because he had exceptional vision in dark areas, a perk he got after consuming the apples, he was able to notice the faint outline of what seemed to be a skeleton that had... wings? Huh, were they from BirdTale perhaps?

'No.' Something in his mind replied. He didn't exactly know why, but he believed it. Dream and his pals wouldn't just send someone from another AU to one of their fights like this, especially not someone as nondescript as a person from BirdTale with their wings and all. Almost getting hit by one of his brothers arrows- yes, Dream is still his brother no matter what everyone else thinks- he immediately focused on the fight. He'll think more about it later.


"All the stuff's at the castle boss!" Killer yelled out excitedly as he exited the portal and joined the fight.

The fight had been going on for a while now, neither side giving the other an edge. A lot of the buildings around them were ruined but surprisingly some still stood strong. With Killer joining in the Bad Guys were finally able to push the Star Sanses back and cause them to retreat.

Nightmare looked around, specifically at the building from before, then addressed his team "Everyone head back to the castle and start putting away the stuff, make sure you don't break anything again, that means you Killer. I'll check to see if there's still anything useful in this dump, you idiots got that?"

"Copy that boss." Dust replied with a mocking salute, dragging Horror and Killer through the portal while Cross followed behind, happily munching on some chocolate he stole.

"1 t-tH!n-nk 1'll g-G0 b@c-Ck t0 t-th€ @-aNt! V0!-d f-f0R n-n0w, Se-eE ¥a L@t-teR N!Ght-t." Error replied and opened a separate portal that he went through.

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