Chapter 12

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"Sol? Sol what's wrong?" He asked from beside him. Sol had been acting weirdly the last few times they met up and seemed really worried about something. What it was, he didn't know, but it had to be something serious.

The there skeleton shook his head and tried to give him a comforting smile, though it was obvious that he was hiding something, "It's nothing Clip, I just have a bad feeling that's all."

"A bad feeling? What about?" He asked, leaning closer to his friend as his curiosity was piqued.

"Well, I'm kinda worried about-"

Whatever Sol said, he couldn't hear it. It sounded distant, far enough for him to not understand but close enough that he could hear a muffled sound. He furrowed his brows in confusion but for some reason he didn't feel like asking again and instead said, "Maybe it's nothing? Not every feeling ends up being something after all."

"You might be right..." Sol mumbles quietly though he still looked unconvinced as he looked down at his hands. The lighter skeleton sighed and shook his head before they both went back to what they were talking about earlier. Before long they had to bid each other good-bye and went back to the waking world. Nightmare can't remember much else about what happened, but he was curious about what Sol told him. Maybe he should ask again next time they meet.

They never saw each other again.

Suddenly darkness was all that surrounded him as he stood there. He knew he was in the Dreamscape, he's been here so many times that it'd be impossible for him not to recognize it. Why was he here though? He didn't remember falling asleep. The last thing he could recall before getting here was the battle and-

Wait, the battle? That's right! They were fighting his brothers' alternate version and trying to get his own alternate self away from him. But what happened? He doesn't recall being hit by anything, the last thing he remembered was getting caught by that damn bird and then-

Nightmare sat bolt upright, his eye widening as he inhaled sharply. Of course! That damn bird had knocked him out! Where were his boys? Was Dream okay? Did he kill them? Where were they right now? What happened?!

Nightmare quickly shook his head clear of those thoughts. Calm down, it's not gonna do him any good if he starts panicking right now. He needs to assess the situation and then decide on what he should do, once he's sure he's safe he can then he can start panicking.

Looking around, he noticed that the room wasn't so bad; it was dimly lit with the curtains drawn, the furniture inside was simple but practical, and there weren't any unnecessary or obnoxious designs in the room. Whoever owned this room certainly had good taste and he appreciated the fact that he didn't wake up in a bright room that would've most likely blinded him, though it didn't make the situation any better.

After a few moments, he realized that there was something on both of his wrists. A glance down revealed two golden cuffs with chains that slowly faded in existence the farther it got from the cuffs, similar to the ones that were used on him previously when he got caught. He could feel the positivity radiating from it them. Actually, now that he thought about it, it feels like the positivity was coming from all around him. This likely meant that he was near or with a Dream, but which one? Nightmare hoped to Toby that it was his brother, but the chains and unusually high level of positivity made it clear who he was with.

That made him decide on his priorities, one of which would be to escape. But he wasn't gonna do so immediately because that was just stupid. Nightmare had no idea where he was and where he would go, so he could instantly get caught if he did try to escape. Plus, with how the bird bastard acted, he wouldn't put it past him to use it as a reason to do something to him, especially after what he sensed before. Just thinking about it sent another shiver down his spine. He really doesn't want to think about what that bastard might be planning, and he really doesn't want to stay long enough to find out.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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