Chapter 6

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When he got through the portal he had immediately made another in case his brother was following him. He really didn't want to risk getting caught. Once he was sure that he wasn't being followed he started looking around to see where he was. It looked like he was in a forest, but that's just because all he saw were trees that went on for miles. For all he knew there might've been a town somewhere close by.

He did indeed find one after a while of walking. He didn't go there directly though and he instead snuck around it to avoid meeting people. There were some houses at the edge that he went into and took stuff from. A few bandages, herbs, pieces of clothing, etc. He had done this before so he wasn't worried about getting caught. His time running from his brother enabled him to learn how to obtain resources he needed in several ways, one of which was stealing. Moon didn't care if it was wrong as survival had been what he thought of for a long time, so as long as it could help him he didn't care. As soon as he was done he went to another AU, but this one was one of the unfinished ones that others just love to hide in because nothing lived in it.

From what he's learned this was an unfinished copy of EchoTale before the Ink in this Multiverse refined it. He only found this place recently so he still hasn't set any barriers to prevent others from entering. There likely wouldn't be anyone around right now but he still needs to set it up as soon as possible.

Moon looked around to find the exact direction he was supposed to go. He noticed what looked like a bird in the sky and dismissed it, more focused on figuring out how to stop his brother. Within the forest of the AU stood a small cottage. It looked like it hadn't been lived in for years. Plants grew all around it, the windows boarded up and the door was shut tight. Moon didn't head for the door, he went around the cottage and towards the back area where he pulled on a handle that had also been covered by the growing plant life. It revealed stairs heading to what was most likely the basement. As he's about to go inside a voice makes him stop.

"Well, well, well, it looks like Dream isn't the only one with a double, right Nightmare?"


Reapers sockets scanned the book under him carefully. He had been in the Archives for some time now and he had yet to find something specific to what he was looking for. So far it had only been information regarding their own Multiverse, which was useful in and of itself, but that wasn't exactly what they needed.

"Still haven't found anything, Sans?" The voice made Reaper look towards Gerson, The God of Wisdom.

"No, nothing about Multiverses is coming up in any of the books. I think I'm gonna have to ask Paps to cover for me again."

Gerson hummed and stood beside the younger god. "You know, if you can't find the answer here maybe you should try looking elsewhere and see where that leads you."

Reaper raised a brow at the older, a bit confused by the words. "But the archives have all the knowledge of our Multiverse, why would I look somewhere else?"

"Sometimes not all of the answers can be found in the books, so why don't you take a break and clear your mind for a bit. None of these books are going anywhere you know."

With those words the god walked off, leaving Reaper to think about what he said. It still didn't really make much sense to him. All the information about their Multiverse is in here so of course whatever he's looking for is here as well. There would be no reason for him to leave. But then again Gerson was the God of Wisdom and not him so he might just have to take his advice.

That and he's been cooped up in this place for a few days now, a little break wouldn't hurt.

With that in mind the god stood up and exited before pausing. Where should he go? He wasn't going to take a break here in ReaperTale, he's lived here for so long that he already knew each place here. He'd visit Geno but the Save Screen wasn't exactly the most entertaining place in the Multiverse. Plus seeing a Geno that wasn't his just brought really bad memories. Other, more populated AUs were off the table as well. Don't want someone accidentally dying from his touch just by bumping into them.

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