Chapter 9

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Nightmare and Error gave each other a confused glance before they looked around. They were both definitely in the Doodle Sphere- the area the Stars occupied anyway- and the others were standing a few feet away from them. Only Red was actually standing though as Cross and Killer were both wrestling on the ground and trying to get the chocolate bar the former used to lure the latter, meanwhile Dream was glaring heatedly at a certain forgetful artist who looked mostly unbothered though Nightmare could feel a hint of fear from him as he rubbed the back of his skull.

"L-like I said I can't seem to find the house anymore and I'm pretty sure it was right here." Ink replies as he flinches slightly from the angry guardian. Dream was peaceful for the most part, but fuck was he scary when he got mad.

"What could've possibly happened to it that would make it disappear then?!"

"Well," Ink started and raised a hand as he counted on his fingers "I made the house extra secure with my magic and ink so I think maybe a big explosion, an intense flood- which would be really weird since I don't think we can really get floods in this area of the Doodle Sphere but if we did that would be awesome! We could all go ahead and surf on the waves or something, maybe make some sandcastles and I'll use my ink to make the sand for us or-"

"Ink please focus, what else could make the house disappear like that?" Dream asks with a slight sigh and rubbed his sockets tiredly. He cared about Ink, he really did, but sometimes he can get a bit distracted with his thoughts.

"Oh! Right sorry, as I was saying it could also be caused by a serious attack, a collapse in AUs, a fire, an explo-" The artist paused as his eyelights changed and his eyes widened in realization. However he wasn't actually too sure what his realization was for since he kinda forgot what they were doing before they left the house, but maybe Dream could. Turning to the guardian as he gave him a look, Ink hummed slightly as his eyelights changed again. "Dream, what were we doing again before we left?"

Dream raised a brow at the question as he hummed slightly in thought. Well before they faced off against the other him they had both been in the kitchen with Ink cooking lunch for them. Blue had been in the dining room and as soon as they all knew the Bad Guys were attacking they had all went off to fight them. Why was Ink asking him this anyway? Did he forget again? Honestly, this is kinda why they don't let him cook sometimes since he might forget not to burn the house dow-


"... We forgot to turn off the stove, didn't we?" Dream asked, receiving a small blink from the artist as he stared at the guardian.

"... What stove?"

Raising a slightly amused brow Nightmare looked between the two Stars in confusion as he processed their words. From what he's getting it sounds like they had a stove they forgot to turn on, which likely led to the disappearance of their house. He glanced over to Error and asked, "Are these the idiots we fight and are they always like this?"

"Pretty much!" Blue says from behind them, causing Error to start glitching out and Nightmare to flinch back slightly. The latter glanced behind the blue clad skeleton and saw him standing in front of a puddle of ink, the same one they went through a few moments ago. It was quite impressive how such an excitable skeleton could be so stealthy. Then again that's probably why he was good at ambushing his subordinates all the time. That would honestly make quite a lot of sense.

"Guess the Star Shits are just a bunch of idiots then." Dust says from behind the blue clad skeleton, Horror standing beside him as he held his pet chicken with a smile.

Funny story, Horror had actually found that chicken wandering around the edge of OuterTale #96. At first he wanted to cook it for some fried chicken- it had been All Meat Night and he had craved for some fried chicken- but the bird had somehow found a way into his good graces. The chicken had been brought home and was declared as Horrors pet. The others had suggested quite a few names like Cluck, Pepper, Dinner- Killer almost got a knife stuck in his skull for that one-, but it hadn't seemed to care for any of those. Eventually the bird had responded to one of the names they suggested, and thus he had been dubbed as Kevin the chicken.

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