Chapter Three

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Castiel held court in the days before their journey, and Dean found the exercise tiresome. He was to stand at Castiel's side and look intimidating while the citizens lay their concerns before him.

Most issues only turned out to be petty squabbles over who stole whose chicken. Dean found it difficult to keep from falling asleep where he stood, and was amazed that Castiel could stand to pay attention at all, let alone carefully consider each argument and strive for a positive outcome for all those involved. Dean was even beginning to regret his decision to make the vows in the first place, when a man sobbing deeply approached the throne, breaking the tedium.

'Your Majesty,' the man stammered, hardly able to speak through his heart-wrenching weeping.

Castiel stood, concern etched onto his face. 'What has happened?' he asked.

'They – they -' The man snivelled, struggling to pull himself together before the King. 'Raiders from the north,' he choked out. 'They came to my town and stole all of our food, and – and-'

Castiel waited, standing unnaturally still.

'They killed everyone!' the man wailed, sinking to his knees. 'They're all gone... my daughter-' He couldn't speak anymore, holding his head in his hands, muffling his sobs.

Castiel knelt before him. 'I am so sorry,' he murmured. 'There is nothing I can do to return your loved ones to you, but you are safe here. You will want for nothing for the rest of your days, this I promise.' Castiel escorted the man from the throne room himself, while a ringing silence settled over everyone else, including Dean.

When Castiel returned, Anna was with him, both of them looking thunderous. He addressed the remaining people still gathered.

'Thank you all for coming today. I must prepare for the journey to Allinesse. I leave you all in Anna's capable hands. If you have any further concerns, you may come to her.' He bowed to them and removed his silver band, placing it on the throne.

A round of 'Long live the King!' echoed through the room before he exited through the side door, beckoning for Dean and Walther to follow him.

'Dean, you said you were stationed on the border, yes?' Castiel said, ruffling the parts of his hair that had been flattened by the silver band.

Dean nodded.

'Did you deal with raiders often? What were they like?'

Dean was momentarily caught off guard by Castiel's intense stare, but hastily cleared his throat. 'They usually only came down in small groups. Twos and threes mostly, sometimes five at a time. Easy to chase away. I've never seen them stray far enough from the road to bother a village like that, let alone with the right numbers.'

Castiel nodded thoughtfully. 'Walther, make arrangements for us to visit Gabriel.'

Walther paled. 'But, Your Majesty-'

'I said make the arrangements,' Castiel commanded.

Walther bowed and hurried away.

'Gabriel?' Dean asked.

'Be prepared to leave in the morning,' Castiel said stiffly, without looking at him. 'We'll be gone longer than expected. You can meet the rest of the guard at the gate.'

Dean rolled his eyes as Castiel turned away. He grumbled to himself as he repacked his bags for a longer journey. Sam came into his room just as he finished.

'What's going on?'

'We're going through the north on our way back from Allinesse,' Dean told him.

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