Chapter Twenty

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Planning celebrations seemed to be where Castiel enjoyed himself the most. Dean accompanied him around town while he helped set up stalls and decorations, and while he was supervising tall torches being erected all around the castle lawn, with smaller lanterns being strung up between them. He grew flowers himself, wrapping them around all the wooden torch posts. The smell of cooking food permeated the air all the way through town, and the townsfolk began to cart it up to the castle in the afternoon. Castiel moved among them, tasting all the food and chatting with all the people that had made something for him.

Once Castiel was satisfied with the decoration, he pulled Dean aside and led him to the outskirts of town.

'This is where my garden is,' Castiel said brightly, as they arrived outside a plot of land walled in by the same stone the castle was made of. It was closed in by a stout iron gate that squealed as Castiel pushed it open. 'I come here when things get overwhelming. It helps me control the power a little better, although I never had quite the same issue with it as you do,' he said with a smirk.

Dean rolled his eyes, but stopped to take in the garden. It was lush and green, filled with flowers, seasoned old trees, and plenty of Castiel's favourite morning glories.

'There are gardeners here,' Castiel explained, leading him through a patch of thickly perfumed rose bushes, to an expanse of soft grass. 'They insist on caring for it on my behalf, so it's not as fun as if I could do it myself, but there are still some things I can do.' He knelt on the grass and gestured for Dean to join him. He put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a tiny pouch full of seeds. He poured some on the ground. 'These are cornflowers, I thought they might look nice in this grass. Would you grow them for me?'

'Um... How?'

Castiel cocked his head. 'What do you mean? I've seen you do it before.'

'Not on purpose,' Dean admitted.

'Ah, I see.' Castiel took a deep breath. 'I'll teach you.' He put his hand on the ground, feeling the grass and seeds between his fingers. 'It comes from strong emotion,' he said slowly. 'Love, mostly. Love for the kingdom...' Tiny purple flowers sprung up around his fingers. 'Love for the people...' They grew bigger and more vivid. 'Think about what you love... who you love... then channel it into the seeds. You'll be able to feel them, they're just waiting for the spark...'

Dean nodded and put his hand close to Castiel's. He closed his eyes and thought about Sam and how much he loved his little brother. Just as Castiel said, as soon as his love for Sam spread through him, he felt the seeds waiting for him. It was easier than he thought it would be, sharing the energy with the seeds, and when he opened his eyes, they had bloomed all around his hand. Castiel smiled at him warmly. 'Good,' he said softly, and Dean felt heat in his cheeks. Before he could stop himself, the energy poured out of him again, into every waiting seed and plant nearby. The entire plot erupted in blooming wildflowers, the grass grew slightly taller, and even the leaves on some of the nearby trees grew bigger.

'What was that?' Castiel asked.

'Nothing,' Dean said hastily. By now his face was blazing, but there was a sickening twist in his stomach when a forlorn expression briefly crossed Castiel's face.

'You're stronger than me, Dean.' Castiel sighed and he sat back, stretching out his legs. 'Sometimes I think you'd make a better king than me,' he admitted.

'What?' Dean said in disbelief. 'Absolutely not. Like you said, I don't know anything about running a kingdom, and I'm way too hot-headed for it. Remember that time I talked to Naomi when I wasn't supposed to? Or how about that time I yelled at you and nearly got us both killed? Not very kingly if you ask me.'

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