Chapter Fourteen

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They all hurried inside the castle, grateful for the protection of the stone walls against the driving rain. The weather had grown steadily worse as they made their way back. The clouds had darkened the sky and the wind bent the lush grass flat.

'Come, the fires will be lit in the throne room,' Castiel said, ushering the guard inside as they dripped all over the floor.

They dragged chairs over to one of the large fireplaces and peeled off their sodden cloaks and jackets so they could warm themselves.

Walther appeared at the door, relieved to see them, and brought in several bowls of hot soup for them all.

'I'm glad to see your return,' Walther said, bowing to Castiel. 'Should I notify the kitchens to begin the feast?'

'Tomorrow,' said Castiel, rubbing his hands together. 'It's too late today.'

'Of course,' smiled Walther. 'I'll see to your things.'

'Thank you.'

Now that they were home, the long journey finally took its toll, and Dean could hardly keep his eyes open. Before he knew it, Castiel was shaking him awake, having fallen asleep right there in his seat.

'I think we should all get some rest,' Castiel said, smiling warmly at Dean.

Dean rubbed his eyes and got to his feet, heavy under his fatigue and damp clothes. He said goodbye to the rest of the guard as they made their way out of the throne room, leaving Dean with Castiel, Charlie and Dorothy.

'Where are we sleeping?' Charlie mumbled, resting her head on Dorothy's arm.

'There's a free room in the west wing,' Castiel told her.

'Oh, the one near the baths? Great, I like that one.' She took Dorothy by the hand and led her away.

Dean and Castiel followed after, going upstairs to their usual rooms. Dean hung up the cloak Castiel had given him before the fire, and finally changed into dry clothes.

He climbed into bed, comfortable and warm under the blankets.

The door opened and Sam crept inside.

'Hey, Sammy,' Dean mumbled, beckoning him over. 'You have fun without me?'

'Definitely,' said Sam, climbing onto the bed next to him. 'It's been nice not having to see your ugly face.'

'I missed you too,' Dean chuckled, ruffling Sam's hair.

'Are you all right?'

'Yeah, I'm just tired.'

'I'll let you rest then.'

'You can stay in here while I sleep. If you want to.'

Sam smiled. 'Yeah, I have some scrolls to read. I can do that in here.'

Dean nodded and sank back down in his comfortable bed, drifting off until late the next day.

The rain had stopped, but the heavy, dark clouds made everything inside dim enough to necessitate the lighting of the torches, and it was completely black outside by the time the feast was ready.

Dean decided to wear Castiel's cloak over his red Lionheart uniform.

'Isn't that the King's?' Sam, who was waiting for him to get dressed, asked.

'He gave it to me,' Dean said defensively. 'And it's fancier than anything I own. Good for a celebration, right?'

'If you say so.'

Dean made sure Castiel's sigil was safely pinned to his chest, then walked down the hallway to Castiel's room, knocking lightly on the door.

'Come in,' Castiel called.

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