Chapter Eleven

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Dean was the first ready to leave the next morning, but he winced as he descended the staircase. He'd somehow hurt his stomach in his sleep and it was aching again.

He waited outside with his horse for the others to appear.

Charlie and Castiel were next, leading their horses together and chatting amiably.

'Good morning, Dean,' Castiel smiled. His health had continued to improve, and he now looked as though he had merely missed a night of sleep.

'Morning,' Dean greeted.

The rest of the guard arrived soon after. Alfie spotted Charlie first and made a noise of delight, sprinting over and leaping at her for a hug. Jack and Alex soon followed, and everyone else until they were all crowding around Charlie, excitedly asking her questions.

Dean hovered uncomfortably, patting his horse until Charlie called, 'All right, let's go already, no time to waste.'

Everyone made sure their saddlebags were secure, then mounted their horses.

Dean yanked his wound as he did so and hissed through his teeth, awkwardly getting into the saddle. The horse tossed his head in annoyance, and Dean patted his neck apologetically.

Castiel and Charlie went first, trotting ahead with Dean behind them, leading the way east, following the river upstream, and the guard fanning out behind him.

The constant movement of the horse only worsened Dean's pain, and that combined with watching Castiel and Charlie glance back at him and laugh every so often put him in a foul mood, despite the sunny weather, and the lush green grass and bright wildflowers that had begun to spring up from the blessing.

Benny rode up beside him, also laughing. 'What's the matter with you?' he asked Dean. 'It's a beautiful day and you're not dead.'

'Nothing,' Dean grumbled, one arm pressed over his stomach, glaring at the King.

'Don't take it personally,' Benny smirked, nodding at Charlie and Castiel, who were still talking animatedly. 'They're really close.'

'I know that,' Dean snapped, scowling when they once again turned to look at him and laugh, only this time, Castiel did a double take and his smile fell.

After that, his expression became more concerned every time he looked back at Dean.

As the day wore on, Dean found it more and more difficult to focus past the aching pain, which became so strong he slowed his horse to a stop, nausea rising up through him. He stumbled away from his horse and threw up into the grass, collapsing onto all fours. His vision went hazy. His heart hammered as he saw that most of what he'd vomited was blood, and he started as a pair of hands firmly held onto his shoulders.

'Get off,' he mumbled as he realised that it was Castiel. 'Don't.'

'Dean, listen to me,' Castiel said. His voice was low and calm. 'You're bleeding on the inside. I must heal it.'

Dean shook his head.

'I understand your hesitation,' said Castiel. 'This will not hurt me, but it may kill you. This is not a choice between our lives, this is a choice between your life and making myself tired. Please, Dean.'

'All right,' Dean relented.

'Set up camp, everyone,' Dean heard Charlie shout from nearby

'You don't have to do that,' said Dean, forcing himself to his feet.

'It's more for me,' said Castiel, pulling one of Dean's arms around his shoulders, holding him up. 'Apologies, but this won't be pleasant. I'm still not fully recovered, I'll have to heal you slowly.'

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