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"No, why?" Elora was up beyond early, the wolf fast asleep on her sofa as she was in her back room. She kept her phone pinched between her ear and shoulder, waving burning sage. "I haven't seen him."

Birds chirped outside but with the curtains drawn shut, Elora failed the acknowledge the morning.

Wafting the sage, El set it in the clamps of a chemistry ring stand. She needed the herb to burn but she also needed her hands. She set her phone into a levitation, it not threatening to drop as she kept it by her ear.

"I'm not sure if he knows. I doubt it." Elora's hands released a spark like lightning, frying a figure comprised of straw and twigs. "He'll be thrilled to see me."

"What about the girl?"

"Who, Allison?" El asked, using a flame emerging from her fingertip to keep the sage burning. "She won't be a problem."

Not too far away, a curly haired boy too long for the couch he was on stirred awake. It was a slow opening of his eyes followed by a soft sense of unsureness. He'd gotten so used to his room at Derek's that he was momentarily startled by being in Elora's apartment.

The other slightly odd thing was that he couldn't hear any sign of the owner.

Isaac sat up, stretching and cracking his back. Sighing lightly, he ruffled his hair as he stood.

The apartment held signs of Elora - coffee in the pot, a bowl in the sink and a towel still damp as it hung in the bathroom.

But she didn't seem to be there.

Isaac wandered past the bathroom, finding a door slightly cracked. Pushing it open, he'd come across Elora's room, but no Elora. He stepped in a little, glancing around in case she was tucked away.

"Morning." El was behind him, the sound of a door shutting being his only way of knowing. She looked insanely good for being up before six, her hair wavy and her body clad in flattering clothes. "Apartment tour?"

"Sorry, I couldn't find you." Isaac came out of her room, noticing the calls of birds that hadn't been there before.

"I'm here." She smiled lightly, "Hungry? I can cook."

"Uh, sure." Isaac followed her to the kitchen, finding the bag he brought with him. "I'm gonna change first."

"Hall bathroom's all yours." Elora said, pulling a mug down from the cabinet for extra coffee.

"Hey, and thanks again for letting me stay here, El."

Elora smiled, leaning on the counter and facing him. "No problem, Isaac."

After a moment of Isaac's slight awkwardness, he vanished to the bathroom.

Elora pulled out her phone, opening a new message. She deleted it as soon as she read it.


Don't tell Deucalion


"What do you do while we're all in school?" Isaac unbuckled his seatbelt, sitting in the passenger's seat of Elora's car. "I've always wondered that. Derek seems like he just brutes, but you don't come off as the bruting type."

"That's a fair assessment." El replied with a light laugh, "But I guess I'll find out. I'm always around, so," she found her eyes lingering towards the school. "uh," she pulled herself back, "so don't be late for practice."

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