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Isaac paced the loft he shared with his alpha, the light from the wall of windows shining in on him.

It had only been a day since Isaac was pulled from the hospital and Derek had come up with a plan. He needed his memories back to help find his pack members and it seemed the dreaded uncle had to do it. Derek left him out on key details, one being the girl who saved him from Kali as well as Ennis.

"You know, I'm starting to not like this idea. Sounds kinda dangerous." Isaac turned on his heel, carrying on pacing. "You know what? I definitely don't like this idea and I definitely don't like him."

Derek only halfly listened to his beta's rambling brought on by nerves. "You'll be fine." He assured, a book open in his lap.

"Does it have to be him?"

Derek didn't look up, "He knows how to do it, I don't. Be more dangerous if I tried doing it myself."

Isaac started looking for another way out, "You know Scott doesn't trust him, right? You know, personally, I, well I trust Scott."

The alpha looked to his last wolf, "Do you trust me?"

There was a slight hesitation, "Yeah." He ran his fingers along an edge of a book, Derek returning to reading. "I still don't like him."

"Nobody likes him."

The door of the loft slid open, "Boys." Peter walked in, "FYI, yes, coming back from the dead has left my abilites somewhat impaired, but the hearing still works." He came up to the table, "So, I hope you're comfortable saying whatever it is you're feeling, straight to my face."

Derek shut his book with an unmoved expression. "We don't like you." He stood up, dropping his book onto the table. "Now shut up and help us."

"Fair enough."

"Uncle Peter, you must've really done something bad. Given, mass murder does ruffle fur."

The three wolves in the room averted their attention to the door, a slender figure in the doorway. In black jeans and a loose maroon tee, she had a smirk on her lips.

Isaac stood up straighter, the girl in heeled black boots walking down the short set of stairs into the loft.

"Elora," Peter said, less than thrilled. "Who invited you?"

"I'd say being family makes me entitled." She lifted up her hand, flicking it without effort. The loft door shut itself, the room silencing.

"Hang on." Isaac pushed into the conversation, "You're family? I thought...the fire-"

"Not that immediate. I'm a cousin." Elora smiled lightly at the boy with blue eyes, "How are you feeling?"

"Like I'm about to be stabbed in the neck with-" Isaac cringed when Peter let his claws come out to play. "Those."

"Alright, no need to paralyze him," she said, a tattoo on her inner bicep visible. "Let me do it."

"Oh, please. Witch magic doesn't work as well on wolves," Peter declined, his claws retracting.

"That's not true, and you know it. Prejudices will only get you so far in life." Elora stopped at an angle between Peter and Derek. "My magic is more accurate. You were wiped clean when you died, Peter."

"I want her to do it," Isaac said, pointing to the brunette.

Peter ignored him, "You need an emotional tether to do it reasonably."

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