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        Elora stood at the edge of the property line, bare feet on Greek soil and only a step away from falling into the Mediterranean.

        She closed her eyes, and she jumped.

        Dean stood with his arms crossed, five paces back with sunglasses shielding his eyes. "Sweetheart, you're not even trying." He held out a hand, raising it.

        El floated up, being brought back onto the cliff. She glared as she got her footing, "Dad, we've been at it for hours."

        "You did great when we had the hoops set up and you apparated from one to the other," Dean replied. "You got that down in a day."

        "But now you want me to jump off a cliff and apparate back onto the ledge." El put her hands on her hips, "This is a little different, Pops"

        "Being magical isn't easy, EllyBear. Again."

        Elora groaned, cracking her neck as she stepped up to the cliffs edge. They'd been on it for three days and as it hit 10 am, she jumped again.

        Dean sighed, walking closer. He leaned over, tilting his head down. "Not quite."

        Elora hung on to the edge, her hands gripping the cliff. "If I were up there, I'd strangle you."

        Rolling his eyes, he lifted his daughter back up. "Nearly, muffin."

        El brushed herself off, in joggers and a tee baring a Stanford logo. "Dad, I-"

        "I know you think you can't do it, and that's blocking you. You're powerful, Bear. I believe in you, and you should, too. How about one more try and we can do some sight seeing," dean offered with a light smile. "Parthenon?"

        "Alright, you got me," El said as she lifted a hand. "I'm a sucker for historical artifacts."

         Dean grinned, "I know."

        Elora sighed, standing at the edge with a new hint of determination. She took a deep breath in before vanishing.

        Dean stayed with his arms crossed, a smile splitting across his face as Elora appeared back where she had been.

        Wobbling, the witch caught her footing. "Holy-" she stopped before breaking out into laughter. She quickly turned around, "I did it!"

        "That's my girl!" Dean picked up Elora, spinning her around. "I told you that you could do it, Bear."

        Elora held a big smile as she pulled back from Dean. "I'm gonna go change," she poked his chest, "and you get your car ready." Happily, she practically skipped back to the house. She headed up to her room, shutting the door behind her.

        But as El turned to face her closet, she wasn't even in Greece.

        She took a step back, her eyes widening in fear. "Wh-" Her feet crushed leaves, a twig snapping against her skin. "The cemetery?"

        Beacon Hills cemetery surrounded her as she looked around worriedly, it almost surreal as the wind lightly blew along her body.

        Elora took a step back, her heel skimming a grave's headstone. She turned her head, the words causing her blood to run cold.

Katherine Argent

        Elora jumped at the sound of pounding, causing her to whirl around. Her eyes met her bedroom door, no sign of the cemetery.

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