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Elora sat on the table at Derek's, her hands templed over her nose and her green eyes shut. "I told him."

Isaac, Scott, Boyd and Cora stood in the loft, a distance between them and the witch. They were all a little battered and little heartbroken.

"I told him." Elora got off the table, anger written in every inch of her figure. Her fists clenched, the chairs near by shooting away from their location, the lights flickering.

The wolves took a step back, scared of her in the moment.

"We didn't stand a chance. All of them were there." Cora said, blood on her face.

"I told him that." Elora nearly shouted, "I said someone would die if I wasn't there to help you and he made me stay. Why didn't he listen to me? Why did he have to be so worried about me that he dies in place? What kind of person does that?"

"El, calm down."

"Don't tell me to calm down. Derek is dead!" For a moment she looked like she'd broken in every form possible. "Derek is dead," she sat back on the edge of the table, her voice little. "and it's my fault."

"It's not your fault."

"Yes it is." Elora cut off Boyd from trying to calm her down. "When we were kids we promised to always protect each other. He saved my life and I couldn't do it for him."

"If it's anyone's fault, it's mine." Scott spoke up, his hand clutching his side indiscreetly.

"It's not either of your faults." Peter came into the loft, "You went up against an unbeatable enemy."

"And enemy who could've been beaten if he hand't been so stubborn." Elora was fuming, "He's always been so stubborn. Was..." she was caving and she didn't want to explode on them. "I'm gonna go home."

"El, you can stay-"

"No, I'm not staying in here." Elora walked around the wolves, low heels giving a rhythm to her exit.

Isaac went after her, having to quickly follow her down the stairs to catch up to her by the time she got outside. "El, hang on."

"No, Isaac." Elora shrugged her shoulder out of his reach, continuing outside towards her car. The street lamps sparked, going out and throwing them into darkness.

Isaac grabbed Elora's waist as the lights raged back on, turning her around. "Elora, please."

"He's dead." She said in a near whisper, "Derek's dead and there's nothing I can do about it."

Isaac took no hesitation, wrapping his arms around her and holding her to his chest.

Elora collapsed against him, breaking as she couldn't hold back tears. "He's gone."

Isaac held her, one arm around her waist and the other on the back of her head. He ran his hand down her hair as he comforted her.

He wasn't sure what to say or what else he could do for her. He knew what it was like to lose family so he did what he thought was right and he hugged her longer.

x x

With another night passed, most of the supernatural population of Beacon Hills was on their way to a cross country meet.

The three remaining Hale bloods on the other hand stayed within town borders.

Peter and Cora investigated the scene where they'd lost their family, where Elora felt a little more reckless than usual.

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