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        Fighting broke out in the hall, giving an opportunity to get Cora out of the hospital.

        Elora held the door open, allowing Stiles, Jennifer and Derek with Cora make an escape from the twins. "Take a left!" she called quietly as the group ran.

        "It's still here!" Stiles announced, running to open the back door of the ambulance. Climbing inside, he helped Derek get Cora on the gurney.

        "Derek," Jennifer said from next to the ambulance, "over here."

        Derek walked around the back, seeing the driver dead on the ground.

        "Julia," a voice drew out the name in a haunting way. Kali came around, swinging the ambulance keys around her finger. "It is you."

       Out of sight, Elora quietly shut the doors to keep Stiles and Cora safe inside. Putting her finger to her lips as Stiles held eye contact through the glass, she soundlessly backed up and went into the hospital.

        Taking two turns before hearing Kali growl in the garage, Elora took the stairs another floor up in search for Scott and Peter. She skidded to a stop, the back up generator shutting off.

        "That shot didn't last very long."

        Elora ran up to another floor, able to hear her uncle's voice. "Hey, hey," she softly said as she got to the soiled laundry room.

       Scott looked relieved, letting Elora in before locking the door behind her.

       "Those twins are really starting to piss me off," Peter said.

        "How the hell are we supposed to get past them?" Scott asked in a whisper, guarding the door.

       "Personally," Peter spoke as he caught his breath from the fight, "I think if we keep letting them beat the crap out of us, they'll tire and give up."

       Elora nodded to the laundry shoot, "How about that?"

       "You first, Sabrina."

       "Peter, I'm twenty." Elora opened the metal hatch, hoisting herself in. Dropping down, she landed in a dirty laundry basket and climbed out. She winced, Peter landing with Scott toppling on to him.

       Peter shoved him off as he sat up. "You couldn't have waited, like, ten seconds?" He cracked his back, looking over as Scott checked his phone. "They didn't get out, did they?"

        "Kali interrupted," Elora said as she held out a hand and helped Peter out. "Cora and Stiles are safe in the ambulance."

        Scott hopped out of the laundry basket, "Derek and Jennifer are trapped in the elevator. We have to get the back up generator going again."

        "Good, let's go," Elora said before the three took off.

        "Guys, slight problem."

       Scott and Elora stopped, turning in time to catch Peter from collapsing.

       "Shit," El said as she helped steady Peter. She looked over to Scott, "We can take him to the ambulance then you and I go back."

       "Which way?" Scott put on of Peter's arms around his shoulder to carry his weight.

        "Over here," she said as she supported Peter's other side. Checking every turn, they ran into no issue as they reached the ambulance.

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