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Elora shook her head as she overlooked the massive party within her cousin's loft, "Derek can never know about this."

"Agreed," Isaac replied, hands idly on his hips before grabbing Elora's attention. "But you'll  never have fun if you keep worrying about that."

But when he turned back to her after a glance over the party, Elora didn't look completely there.

Isaac's eyebrows furrowed, "Elora?" He placed a hand on El's back, growing concerned.

El's eyes were distant, a hand grabbing Isaac's bicep as her face was drawn in mild pain. "Something's wrong with Stiles."

"What do you mean?" Isaac questioned, her vagueness concerning.

"Something's wrong with him," she repeated. "I can feel it, I don't know why, but something's wrong." Her eyes changed, letting go of a soft gasp as she released Isaac.


"It's gone," Elora suddenly said. "The feeling's just gone."

An eyebrow of Isaac's arched, "What does that mean?"

Elora seemed just  as confused, "I'm not sure." She glanced around herself in a circle, as if there was someone nearby that shouldn't be there. Her eyes stopped on Danny for only a moment before she quickly looked to Isaac. "I think it means he's okay."

"Or he's dead," Isaac offered as he followed Elora down to the painting station.

"Really not helping," she replied as they stopped by the paints.

"Murdered maybe."

Elora looked flatly at Isaac, well aware she would've known if Stiles was hurt at all. "Do you want to talk about Stiles or do you want to paint my body?"

Isaac hesitated, all eyes on Elora's skimpily covered frame, "I want to paint your body."

El grinned, holding out a brush, "Good choice."

But in the back of the loft, Ethan's choice of going alone to get ice would soon turn disastrous.

Within half an hour of the intensely lit party, the DJ's setlist filled the entire space, nearly rattling both the floor and the drunks dancing on it.

Lydia lingered along, barely in the spirit as she drank. Elora and Isaac were remarkably close, the glowing blue paint on her lips hinted noticeably  on his. Allison's mild intent on getting drunk was working, having found a seemingly endless source of alcohol as she danced. Aiden was dancing with multiple girls at once and Ethan was nowhere to be found - even Danny unsure of where he was.

Stiles, Scott and Kira had finally arrived, Kira next to the boys as they walked through the loft.

"It just showed up there on my key ring this morning," Stiles told the two, expressing his skepticism. "I asked my dad if he put it there but he said he didn't know anything about it."

Scott spoke up over the music, "It's just a key, right?"

"Yeah," Stiles hastily replied, "but it's not mine. And I don't know how it got there or what it's for."

Scott leaned in, barely able to hear Stiles. "You wanna leave so we can figure it out?"

"Uh..." Stiles' voice cut out, a girl in a neon wig surfacing and kissing him on the cheek, leaving behind a bright orange print. He watched with wide eyes as she said 'Happy Halloween' before dancing away. "It can wait," Stiles replied, following after the mystery girl.

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