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In an effort of full force, Elora's fist slammed across Jennifer's face as she grabbed the collar of the dark druid's jacket and spun her to face her.

"Do you really think a half breed like you can go against real magic?" Elora asked Jennifer in a vicious tone she'd never uttered before. "Emissaries and druids are pathetic excuses for witchcraft, but you, Julia, you're the worst of them all."

Jennifer growled under Elora's hold, not fighting to get away. "I've told you this before, Elora." Blood dripped at the side of her mouth as she said her name in disgust. "Light magic never wins."

"How do you think I found the Nematon?" she asked darkly, half a smirk arising on her lips. "There's your mistake, Julia. You underestimate me."

Jennifer's eyes locked onto Elora's, a fearful scream leaving her mouth. She clutched her head, falling to her knees. "Stop!" she yelled through the pain. "Please! Stop!"

"What is she doing?" Scott asked Derek quietly.

"Bursting and healing the blood vessels in Jennifer's brain," Deucalion answered when neither knew. "Repeated brain aneurysm."

Jennifer wailed in pain, curled on the ground as Elora didn't lay a hand on her.

"El," Derek's eyes flamed to blue as he took his cousin's attention. "Her fifteen minutes are up."

"Don't expect me to walk around in a bikini with a 'round 2' sign over my head," Elora said as she let up on Jennifer.

Jennifer scooted away, jumping us as she tossed a handful of mountain ash into the air.

Scott skidded to a stop, a black ring encircling Jennifer.

"That is such an emissary thing to do," Elora muttered as she stood to the side.

Jennifer sharply looked to the new beta, fierceness in her eyes. "Like I told you, Derek, either you or the parents. Well, I guess I'll just have to take them now. In a few minutes they'll be dead and I won't need a lunar eclipse even to kill a demon wolf."

Scott kept his eyes on Jennifer, putting a hand up against the barrier followed by the other.

"You've tried this before, Scott," Jenifer said patronizingly. "I don't remember you having much success."

But still, Scott pushed against the magic barrier. His eyes took on their yellow, using every bit of his power.

Elora watched his aura, the last flecks of gold divulging into a searing red.

Scott's eyes matched his aura, them burning crimson as he stepped a foot across the mountain ash.

Jennifer's eyes were wide, not believing what she as seeing.

The barrier shattered as Scott crossed, Jennifer shooting back.

A smile broke out on Elora, the only one not concerned.

Jennifer moved back, eyes wide with fear. "How did you do that?"

"I'm an alpha now," Scott said. "Whatever you're doing to cause the storm, make it stop or i'll kill you myself. I don't care what it does to the color of my eyes."

"It won't change the colour of mine, so allow me." Without hesitation, Deucalion slashed Jennifer's throat ear to ear.

Jennifer gasped, reaching for her neck as death began to taint her. She reverted to her true form, struggling for breath. Slowly she keeled over, her movements ceasing.

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