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       As night fell over Beacon Hills, no one was safe.

        Not even the entrusted emissary to the Alphas. Marin Morrell ran for her life, stopping only once to check over her shoulder for the twins.

        And as violent howls echoed through the air, Marin set off running again.

        Not too far from the deadly chase, an orb of yellow light flickered around Deucalion.

        Scott looked from the creature to Duke, "It's a firefly," he said.

        "Unusual for this region," Deucalion replied.

        "It's because of Jennifer, isn't it?" Scott questioned. "Just before all this started, a deer crashed into Lydia's car. The cats went crazy at the animal clinic. Birds flew into the high school. It was all her."

        "They say animals can sense natural disasters when they're about to happen. Maybe they can sense supernatural ones as well."

        "Does she scare you?" Scott asked after a moment.

        "She concerns me if she's willing to kill that many innocent people for her cause. People like your mother and Stiles' father."

        "Are you willing to kill innocent people?"

        "I'll kill any living thing that gets in my way."

        And that, he most certainly would.


        Elora ran a hand through her hair, changed into fresh clothes of jeans, a billowy white top and a leather jacket. She'd been pacing her apartment for hours, Isaac and Allison with her.

        El had done every locator spell she could whip up, but Jennifer had a heavy block on her that her magic couldn't lift.

        Allison walked around the apartment's spare room that Elora had turned into an office. The set up, she noticed, was near exact to her place in Paris.

        Isaac leaned in the door frame, unsure of what to do.

        "Nothing's working," Elora sharply said. Clenching a fist, the bowl she'd been working with had shot off the table and shattered in two. "Why can't I do this?"

        "Breathe, El," Isaac softly told her.

        "People are going to die if I can't figure out where they are." Elora was on edge, getting to the brink of insanity.

       "Hang on," Allison lifted her phone, "it's Deaton. He said we need to find the Nematon."

       "Motherfu-" Elora fumed, "I should've known."

       "They want us to go to the clinic; Lydia and Stiles are with him," Allison said.
       "I'll drive." Elora went out last, locking the office door before leaving the apartment with her car keys in hand.

       "Wait, so you know this place?" Isaac asked, taking the backseat as Allison took passenger's. "Why don't we just go there?"

       "I wish it were that easy," El said as she put the car into drive.

       "Why is it not?" Allison barely had time to buckle before El sped off.

       "Because, I know what it is, I've been there, but Talia took the memory of it's location from me. Peter and Derek, too."

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