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        "He'll probably catch you." Elora's voice protruded through the early morning, the sun slowly coming above the horizon. "There's only a 12% chance Scott won't know you snuck out."

        Isaac looked down to Elora, the two tangled in her bed sheets. "Only 12%?"

        "Give him some credit," El said with a laugh. "More than likely he'll know you left last night."

        He had an arm around her, Elora's head resting on his chest. "Are you doubting my ability to sneak out?"

        "Absolutely," she retorted.

       "I'm very offended," Isaac said through a laugh. "How dare you insult my ability to decieve others."

        "Well, for starters, I know you so that gives me a good idea." Elora lifted herself up, sheets wrapped around her torso. She looked to the clock on the dresser before moving her eyes back to Isaac. "You should probably go, it's almost six."

        Isaac whined, pulling Elora back down to him. "I don't want to. I'd rather stay in bed with you."

        Elora kept her arms on Isaac, resting on them, "If I didn't have to, I would never willingly get out of this bed if you were in it."

        "Never?" Isaac asked with his eyes trained on her.

        She lightly smiled, leaning in closer. "Never."

        "I like the sound of that." Isaac tilted his chin, pressing his lips to hers.

        Elora put a hand on the side of his face, kissing his back without hesitation. After about a minute, she pulled away. "Your distraction skills are slightly better than your sneak out skills." Giving him one last, quick kiss, she climbed off of him. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she pulled her Star Wars shirt off the floor and slipped it over her head. She got off the mattress and walked over to the closet.

        Isaac admired the fact Elora's underwear matched her shirt. Propped up on his elbow, he watched as she rifled through her closet. "I think you should go to school like that."

        Elora glanced over her shoulder, her hair just a perfect level of messy. "I think that's a great idea. Unfortunately," she said as she turned back to her clothes, "I don't want to get fired."

         Isaac rolled out of the bed, already in his boxers. "Fair point, but I think it'd be worth it."

        "Of course you do," El said with a grin as she pulled a black dress from her closet.

        Isaac tugged his shirt down his stomach after her got his jeans buttoned. "For obvious reasons," he said with a smirk.

        Elora rolled her eyes as she grabbed a royal blue cardigan from the rack of clothes. "Good luck getting in past Scott," she said after Isaac got his boots on.

        Isaac came up behind El, catching her when she turned around. "I've got a 12% chance of getting past him. I can work with that." He kissed her before letting go of her waist. "I'll see you in a bit."

        She said goodbye, hearing the living room window open as she started to change.

       Isaac scaled down the fire escape, nearly slipping on the damp concrete. He brushed himself off, heading back towards the McCall household with a smile permanently plastered on his face.

         Making it to Scott's in only a few minutes as daylight began pouring over the town, Isaac went around the back of the house and climbed up to the window of his room in the McCall house.

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