1. Drink

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"Thomas, you bloody idiot

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"Thomas, you bloody idiot." Newt snapped, but the opening of the walls made it barely audible for Thomas, who was looking up at him, Alby's arm was heavy around his neck. He was also very much caught of guard at Thomas, instead of Tommy, which he had come to prefer from him.

"Nice to see you too." He replied, giving Alby over to the Medjacks. He wanted to collapse from exhaustion, he had been up for at least 24 hours. Newt stomped over to him, heavily favoring his bed leg and smacked Thomas on the back of his head.

"Ow! What the hell-"

"That's the least of your bloody worries." Newt said he was fuming. "Wait until all the keepers get together for your real bloody punishment." Newt snapped again, his accent was thicker than usual, but Thomas had no time to retaliate because Newt had limped off to help the Medjacks with Alby.

"Dude, you really pissed him off." Minho chuckled behind him, hunched over with his hands on his knees. "I've never seen him that mad before." Thomas let his eyes follow Newt then, watching his slender frame disappear behind the door of the Homestead.

"Hasn't any non-runner gone into the maze before?" He asked.

"Well, yeah. Galley has for one, but he was nowhere near as angry at him. Which, in hindsight isn't surprising." Thomas let his mind ponder this for a second too long then turned back to Minho.

"I'm starving." He says, changing to the subject, his gaze turning towards where Frypan did the cooking. "Maybe he'll have something for us." Without waiting for Minho to follow, Thomas walked toward the building, his stomach seemed to have begun to ingest itself on the way there. They managed to get their hands on some leftover bacon and created a couple of sandwiches from that.

"When will this meeting of the Keepers happen?" Thomas asked Minho in between bites. He also managed to drink about a gallon of water since he'd returned.

"Could be this afternoon, could be tomorrow. Newt's the one in charge now that Albys sick. For your sake, I hope it's tomorrow when he's had the time to calm down." Minho snickered and finished off his last bite of the sandwich. "Who knows? Get some rest you dumb shank. Someone'll find you when he's made a decision." Thomas realized that he had also finished off his sandwich, downed the last bit of water, and headed towards the trees where he'd left his blankets the previous night.

It was easy enough to spot, the blanket from the night before still lay in a crumpled mess on the ground. Although Thomas hadn't realized how tired he was until then when his bed was in sight. He was suddenly crashing through the undergrowth, twigs, and branches tugging at his face and skin as he pushed himself to get to his blanket on the soft patch of grass. When he finally made it, he couldn't control himself when he finally made it and crashed to the ground with a soft thump, used his blanket as a pillow, and fell asleep in seconds.

"Thomas." It was a distant cry of his name. It seemed far away, echoing in the distance. Sleep was so nice, he didn't want to leave it. He finally had a dreamless sleep that he could relish. "Thomas." He heard it again, but it was coming closer. The voice of a boy, his image just coming into frame, fuzzy at first and slowly coming into focus. "TOMMY" he jolted awake, his eyes snapping open. The sun was high in the sky at this point, he raised his hand to shield his eyes. When his eyes adjusted he saw Newt, his head finally blocking the sun for him. "Rise and shine." He said a frown on his lips. "It's judgement day, Greenie."

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