3. Pain

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Thomas was not in fact ready for the maze the next day

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Thomas was not in fact ready for the maze the next day. He made sure to triple wrap his wounds so if he did manage to bleed through, it wouldn't show through his shirt. He managed to get his hands on a fresh shirt somehow. Apparently the Medjacks had a stash of them somewhere. Before he left the Homestead all together, he peered into the room next to his where Newt slept. His back was facing Thomas when he creaked the door open and pushed his way inside. He didn't know why, or what made him do it, but he managed to squeeze himself in the bed between Newt and the wall that the bed had been pushed up against. He felt the the blond begin to stir and put his hand over his mouth so he'd keep quiet.

He smirked to himself because this was very similar to the instant where Newt had been sent to wake him on his first morning of the Glade. Newt's eyes were wild and scared when he first opened them, then when he saw Thomas he relaxed.

"What the hell are you doing?" Newt said quietly, his voice was full of the morning rasp, not to mention the morning breath.

"Me and Minho are going back in the maze." Thomas replied. He had been nervous about this part, he wasn't even going to tell Newt at first. "We've got to figure out what these mean." He said, holding one of the silver tubes. Newt only looked at him for a while.

"Tommy," He said slowly. "You've gone mad going back into that maze already. You're barely healed at all." He sounded really calm for what he was saying, the look on his face told Thomas that he wanted him to stay.

"I have to get us out of here, Newt." He let his hand rest on Newt's forearm when he said this. He was already fairly close to Newt, their legs were brushing against each other and he guessed that there was less than half an arms length between their faces.

"Why'd you come here, Tommy?" He asked quietly, somehow the two managed to keep eye contact the whole time they talked.

"I... I thought you'd want to know. I guess." Thomas really had no idea why he'd come.

"You thought I'd want to know that you're doing your bloody job? You going to come by every morning then?" Newt tried to sound annoyed, and maybe he did.

"If you wanted me to. I would." He replied earnestly. Newt only blinked in disbelief maybe, Thomas wasn't sure. Somehow at one point Thomas had managed to hold Newt's hand, their fingers locked together. He had no idea how long they'd been like this, but he wasn't going to pull away now. Newt seemed to be at a loss for words now, he only kept their everlasting eye contact.

"I would." Thomas was sure that he had whispered this, but he heard it like he had yelled it directly in his ear. His heart pounded in his throat and Thomas tried not to smile like a damn idiot. "Go on and your shuck face outta here. Best not keep Minho waiting for you." He said, though he smirked a little bit.

"Okay." Thomas said, but he hadn't moved yet. He really never wanted to, he could live in this bed forever. He was convinced that the last time he had felt so warm and relaxed was probably in the womb. Newt raised his eyebrow.

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