11. Beginning

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(Queue Rihanna)

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(Queue Rihanna)

"Steven, mommy loves you." He opened his eyes to stare at a woman with bright blue eyes and dark hair looking back down at him. Steven? Thomas wondered for a moment.

But somehow he knew her, he knew that she loved him and he loved her. "Steven, you've done so well." She caressed his face and kissed his forehead. "I'm so proud of you my sweet boy. You found love in a place with no hope." Thomas blinked, a single tear fell down his face and the woman brushed it away with her thumb. "When the time is right, I can't wait to meet him."

"Don't leave me." Thomas whispered, grasping her by her tricep. "Please don't make me go back."

"You have to go back." She said with a sad smile. Thomas only made the connection that he was probably dead no. "You have to go back to that boy, Steven. You can't leave him behind." His heart hurt for his mother, for Newt.

"He'll forgive me." Thomas begged, he was tired of hurting, tired of not knowing a home or a family. He just wanted peace. "Please, mother." His eyebrows creased painfully, and his lips turned into an uneasy frown.

"You have to go back my love." She kissed his forehead again and took a few steps back. "We'll meet again."

"No!" Thomas cried, his arm outstretched toward the woman. "Please!"

But he woke up and he felt the pain engulf him again, it started in his leg and worked its way to his heart. He wanted to cry, wanted to curse the sun for letting him wake up again. He felt so peaceful with his mother, he didn't feel the pain he did now.

"Thomas!" Minho said, he was shaking his shoulders. His eyes fluttered open and he was immediately blinded by the sun light. He lifted his
hand to shade his eyes and looked at his friend.

"You look like clunk." Thomas groaned. He didn't even want to try and move, but he took in his surroundings. They were inside the first building that they'd searched when they'd arrived. "What happened?" Thomas asked.

"Well, when you fell out of the tree, two more cranks showed up. One took a healthy bite out of your shoulder." Thomas reached up and felt the spot where he'd been bit. "I guess this is the true test to see if you're immune or not." Thomas shuttered, he could feel the sweat dampening his shirt and sticking his hair to his forehead.

"Oh shit." Thomas replied. "Oh shit." He sat himself upright and ran his fingers over the bite wound.

"We need to get back to camp." Minho said, his back against one of the walls.

"Are you crazy?" Thomas said incredulously. "You can't take me back there, what if I'm not immune and I get everyone sick?"

"So what, you expect me to leave you out here? Alone, with the cranks." Minho said, he was picking at the bark of a stick now, throwing the pieces on the floor. The blood soaked floor. Thomas could see the trail of blood that he must've left when Minho had dragged him here. Unconscious, and probably dead.

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