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He wondered how long it would take for them to get stuck doing the same old thing every day again

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He wondered how long it would take for them to get stuck doing the same old thing every day again. Wondered when they would get stuck in a rut, but it never happened.

Every day was something new for Newt, yes he gardened every day, his fingernails always his carried some dirt no matter how many times he washed his hands. But he helped things grow and flourish under the sun, and secretly he was really proud of his work. Then there was Thomas. He slept a lot in the beginning, to give his body time to heal, or that's what Cassandra said at least. But the sickly boy that had greeted him on that first day was no longer. He grew up. As much as you could grow up after everything they'd been through.

He grew up physically, more than he did mentally. His pale sickly skin soon turned dark thanks to a kiss from the sun, and he wasn't scrawny from starvation anymore. Not the way they were in the scorch. He was strong, healthy, and his muscles became toned from being well fed. Newt felt something warm in his chest at the thought, he watched Thomas heal, he watched him grow into someone else than when he first saw him that day in the box. He's grown up, matured beyond his days.

Thomas gets nightmares, almost every night he wakes up screaming and sometimes Newt can't even calm him down. So they don't sleep in the sleeping quarters with the others anymore. They've never complained, but he knows Thomas wakes them up every night. So they sleep in the forest, much like in the Glade, they made their home among the trees. He thought that this had helped Thomas to an extent because when he would wake up he could see the trees towering overhead instead of the dark sky in the city.

Thomas doesn't talk about his nightmares, though Newt was pretty sure that he knew what they were about. Something he can never take back, something he did as a Crank. He often hears Thomas screaming his name in his sleep, begging him to stop, to let him go, to come back to him. And it hurts that he can't do anything about it.

Sometimes it takes Newt several minutes before he can bring Thomas out of the nightmares, it doesn't matter how long he yells and shakes his shoulders but the dream would trap him inside his own mind. Then, when he would finally wake, he wouldn't let Newt go for the rest of the night. He would then try to ignore the dampness of tears through his shirt as he tried to help him back to sleep. He wanted to make sure he knew he was safe.

Overall, things were better. They were better because every day after they were done working, Thomas was waiting for him on the beach.

"Evening, Tommy." He greeted, same thing every night. He offered his hand to Thomas who took it and got to his feet. Thomas pulled him into a short embrace and they linked their fingers together and walked through the sand.

"How was your day?" He asked, their hands swung back and forth as they walked.

"Oh same as usual I think. Nothing too exciting." Newt replied, the breeze of the ocean ruffled his hair as they walked.

"Sounds about how mine went." Thomas said, though his eyes were somewhere far off. He cleared his throat, "well, Cassandra says I'll be 100% in the next few days, which means finding a place here where I can do my part."

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