22. Gardens

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Thomas felt his eyes flutter open, finally he was away from the darkness

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Thomas felt his eyes flutter open, finally he was away from the darkness. He was surrounded by some kind of tent, and he smelt it, the forest. It filled his nostrils and kissed his skin. He looked around, but he was alone and the pain he once felt in his calf and in his abdomen was nothing but a dull ache anymore. He sat up and swung his legs over the side of his bed and got to his feet.

His legs worked effortlessly unlike times in the past, he pushed away the door to the tent and took in his surroundings. The ocean was directly in front of him, the waves crashed to the shore peacefully but this wasn't what had his attention. No, there were hundreds of people in the area below him making shelters and eating their meals. He took in the scene one last time before he followed the path down to where everyone seemed to be eating. He watched some people carry pieces of wood, and others heave a giant rock upright. He didn't know where to go next, he slowly turned around to try and catch everything in sight.

"Thomas?" His head snapped around to the voice and he spotted Minho approaching him.

"Minho." He said, tears already brimming his eyelids as he pulled his friend into a hug. The weight of his past seemed to crash around him. Grief filled his heart once more. "I'm sorry I couldn't save him." Thomas whispered in his ear. Minho pulled away, a look that Thomas didn't recognize flashed across his face.

"Let me show you around." He patted Thomas on the back and steered him in the opposite direction in which he'd just came. Minho showed him to the new Homestead and sleeping quarters and reunited him with Vince, Jorge and even Brenda.

"Where are you taking me now?" Thomas asked, he was glad for the distraction, he wanted to keep his mind busy to keep him from thinking about- everything.

"The gardens." He replied, avoiding eye contact. "If your lucky maybe the Keeper will let you into something fresh."

"You still have Keepers here?" He asked as they walked across the camp ground.

"Well, they're not really called that anymore but yeah. Every section has someone that they go to with their questions. Vince preaches equality but you know that's not ever really how it'll be. There will be a leader that everyone looks to or someone that knows more than the others and they will eventually turn into the keeper- or whatever- of that section." Thomas nodded as they walked.

"Who's keeper of the gardens?" He asked, but Minho kept his eyes straight ahead and his face stoic.

"You'll see," he replied. "downright shank though, here lately anyway. Pisses me right off." He said as they trudged up a steep hill. When they made it to the top, Thomas gaped at the rows and rows of crops. Fruits and vegetables covered the whole area, there wasn't a spot untouched by greenery. "This way, I just saw him." Minho nodded to Thomas's left and he followed.

"Are you keeper of anything?" Thomas asked, but Minho shook his head.

"There's no maze for me to run around in, so no. I pretty much just help out where they need me." He replied. "There he is." Thomas followed Minho, watching the people around him harvest the fresh fruit and vegetables. Then Thomas looked ahead, and saw who it was they were approaching and stopped in his tracks. He was hunched over, hands covered in dirt but he was sure it was him. Minho stopped a couple paces ahead of him and turned to the side so Thomas had a full view.

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