16. Train

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They set up camp for the night, and Newt picked the furthest spot possible from the others, but close enough to where he could still feel the heat of the flames

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They set up camp for the night, and Newt picked the furthest spot possible from the others, but close enough to where he could still feel the heat of the flames. Thomas joined him sometime later with a small bag of raw vegetables. He dumped some out for himself and handed the bag over to Newt.

"Why did you sit so far away?" Thomas asked him.

"Privacy." He replied with a shrug. He removed his boots and set them outside the blanket in the leaves. Thomas didn't answer and munched on a piece of celery. "You think Jorge and Brenda will be back by morning?" He asked, twisting his hoodie string in his teeth.

"I don't see why they wouldn't be." Thomas replied, taking the string out of his mouth. Newt eyed him for a second and looked away. He rubbed his arm absently and looked down the road in the direction they had come.

"You want to go exploring again?" Newt asked, even though he'd just removed his shoes. "I can't stand sitting around here."

"Okay." Thomas agreed. Their forest was small and honestly quite freezing. The trees were bare of all their leaves and the animals that should be there were nowhere to be found. The leaves crunched under their feet, and every now and then they came across a pine tree, still green and glorious.

The walk didn't help Newt's nerves, didn't take his mind off of Jorge and the fact that there was a good possibility that something was eating at his brain at that second. He briefly wondered if it would happen then, if he would lose control and kill Thomas while they were deep in the forest where nobody could hear them. He shook his head to clear the thoughts, he hadn't gotten the trademark veins yet. He had time.

"What's on your mind?" Thomas said, his hands shoved deep in his pockets. "You've been all spaced out."

"Nothing, Tommy. Just thinking about Minho, and how the hell were going to get passed those walls. Even worse, how were going to get into WICKED head quarters. Doesn't seem possible." He explained, which was partially true.

"We'll find a way. We always do." Newt suppressed an eye roll, and rubbed his forearm absently. Thomas pulled Newt's hand away from his forearm and linked their fingers, and then Newt's mind was clear. He smiled at Thomas, all of his troubles seemed to have been pushed away for the time being.

"Can we have one last night together, before everything happens?" Newt said, it was basically suicide running into WICKED headquarters and they both knew it.

"Newt, we're going to get him out and we're all going to the safe haven." Thomas said.

"Tommy, you and I both know that when we go in there we could get killed. There's not beating around the bloody bush about it. We're risking our lives." He was right, and Thomas knew this.

"Okay." He said. "One last night in the Before until we make it to the After." Newt smiled weakly and squeezed Thomas's hand. He pulled their hands apart and linked their pinkies.

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