10. Promises

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Thomas stayed on the cliff the rest of the night and watched the sun rise in the morning

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Thomas stayed on the cliff the rest of the night and watched the sun rise in the morning. He wasn't hungry anymore, and his body was stiff other than the leg that swung ever so slightly.

"Planning a swan dive?" Thomas jumped, and turned around. Minho had found his way up to his not-so-secret hideaway.

"Crossed my mind." Thomas muttered.

"Ooo, a joke from Thomas. There's a first for everything." He said and approached Thomas and took a seat near him. Thomas rolled his eyes. "You just love playing the part  of being Newt's bedside nurse?" He asked.

"Oh yeah." Thomas said. "I especially enjoyed the part when he told me he didn't want me there." He grumbled. He was cranky, he was acting like a selfish little girl actually.

"Oh give it up Thomas." Minho shoved his shoulder gently. "He didn't mean it. He gets cranky when he's injured or sick." Minho said with a smirk.

"Yeah, well." Thomas rolled his eyes again.

"Maybe he was trying to kick you out because you look like clunk. Smell like clunk." Minho sniffed him, "I'm actually not sure I'm talking to Thomas anymore. I think you're turning into an actual piece of clunk." Thomas rolled his eyes again, he was sure they'd fall out of his head soon. "Seriously dude. You need to wash up eat some food and whatever else. Stop hovering over him he's a big boy."

"I wasn't hovering." Thomas grumbled.

"Yeah I think you were, slinthead." Thomas was quiet after this, his eyes watching the people in the camp as they hustled around doing their chores or whatever else.

"Have you been to see him?" He asked Minho. He shakes his head.

"Nah, going to head in there before the supply run though." Thomas perked up at this, lifting his head from his knee.

"Supply run?" He asked.

"Sure as shit, shank." He said. "You're coming too."

"Good that." Thomas said, though he was slightly more excited than what he'd put out. He was looking for something to keep his mind busy and this seemed as good as any.

"Well, let's go. You can't go on a supply run if you're up here moping." Thomas chose to ignore this and took Minho's hand who helped him to his feet. They made it back to camp and Minho went to the medical tent to visit Newt just as he'd said before and Thomas made his way to the supply tent. He ate some morsels for breakfast and then went to fetch his bag, making sure to fill it with water and other essentials for the trip since he didn't know how long they'd be gone. Minho approached a while later and lead Thomas over to an older truck that they'd apparently be using for the trip.

"You say bye to Newt? Lick each other's fingers or whatever it is you do?" Thomas gave him the death glare, hoping maybe he'd spontaneously combust right there, but to no avail.

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