Chapter Four

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"Wanda?" Nat calls through the house

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"Wanda?" Nat calls through the house. "Are you sure that you want to come? You don't have to, you know. I don't want to drag you into this with me."
I walk down the stairs to see her pacing around the kitchen. It's unusual to see her so wound up like this, she's never usually bothered by things like this. "Because I don't even know what will happen when we get to Budapest, I don't know what will happen when we find Yelena, or-"
I cut her off, placing a finger to her lips. "Natasha. I've told you before, and I will tell you again. I'm one hundred percent sure that I want to come with you." I pause, sighing. "I don't think you realise what I was like before I found you," I tell her honestly. "I don't think you realise how much I needed you. And now, I'm coming with you. You don't have to do everything alone, Nat. You don't have to say things that are supposed to scare me into staying behind. I'm not staying, and you're not scaring me."
She bites her lip, and I smile. "Besides, the further we are away from SHIELD, the better. Please stop trying to get me to stay home, Natasha."
"Damn it," Nat smiles. "You're just about as stubborn as I am."
I laugh, and she looks over at me, a look I haven't seen before is plastered on her face. The more time I spend with her, the more I wish that we hadn't spent so much time apart.
"Of course I am," I tell her. "You're the one I looked up to when I first joined the Avengers. I remember getting so distracted by you..." I trail off, and Nat laughs. "What? I think you forget how extraordinary you are."
She blushes, looking down at the ground. I know exactly what she's thinking - the she's not extraordinary, because she is here and Clint is not.
I take her hand in mine. "I'm glad you're here. You deserve to be here, Natasha. And if I have to tell you that every hour of every day, I will. You deserve to be here. I'm sorry that you have to feel this guilt, but... but you deserve to be here." I pause when I see a tear roll down her cheek. "I need you here." I tell her as I take the sleeve of my top and gently wipe away her tear. Nat doesn't like people seeing her cry, but she doesn't try and hide it from me.
"I need you too," she leans into my hand.
"We forgot about something," she adds. "Damn."
"What? What did we forget?"
"That the car is literally hanging off the side of a bridge."
I sigh. "That's okay. Give me a second and I can get as a new getaway car," I tell her, and with a flick of my wrist, there's a new car sitting outside the front door.
"Wow," Nat exclaims. "You're incredible, you know that?"
I give a small laugh. "Not really. Are you ready to go?"
We don't take much, just a bag or two. There's not much to take, except a couple of changes of clothes.

The flight is long, and both Natasha and I have our hoods up, trying to remain as invisible as possible. It just takes one person to recognise us, the person who created a false reality and forced a whole town to play along, and the person who betrayed SHIELD for their friend... it just takes one person to tweet about it, and our cover is blown.
They'll know we are in Budapest, they'll know we were in Norway.
"I hate flying in normal planes." Natasha grumbles beside me. "They're so loud and bumpy. It makes me miss the Quinjet."
"People would get suspicious if they saw us in one of those," I laugh. "I don't like flying in these sorts of planes either."
There's a few bumps along the way, and both times, Natasha and I grab each other's hand, not saying a word.
Her hand fits perfectly in mine.
I notice that while she's talking, my eyes gently drift down to her lips, to her beautiful smile.
But then I pull them back up to her eyes.

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