Chapter Eleven

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The three of us get dressed before we take off

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The three of us get dressed before we take off.
"So you just had these lying about?" Yelena asks as she puts on her suit. It's white, and it looks nice when she layers her vest over the top. I'm a little jealous of the vest.
"I'm prepared." I tell her.
There's a flash of red, and within an instant, Wanda is changed.
"Woah," Yelena stops what she's doing to admire her costume. "That's your superhero outfit? And we get these dusty things?"
I smile. "Where'd you get that from? It's perfect." The dark red suits her perfectly.
"I made it," she tells us. "While I was being attacked by Agatha Harkness," she shrugs. "It... just kind of happened."
"I love it." I tell her and she looks at me with a smile.
"I am so jealous," Yelena sighs. "I love the crown. It's so cool." Yelena loves that word. I think I could count for hours the amount of times she had used it since we met her.
Wanda looks unstoppable. She looks powerful. She looks strong and fearless and... she looks like everything.
Wanda blushes at Yelena's comment. "I haven't really had the need for it until now... since WestView."
And here she is, looking exactly like the powerful witch I always knew she was.
I must say, that between the three of us, two trained killers and the most powerful witch to ever exist, we do look unstoppable.
"Dreykov had better be trembling," Yelena mutters.
"He won't know what's coming." Wanda answers. "No one will ever have to go through what you did ever again."
"By the time we're finished with it, there'll be nothing left." Yelena says, putting on her headphones. "I'm driving."
"What? No way." I say, but she just rolls her eyes.
"Natasha stop being so bossy. I know how to fly a helicopter. We all do." She makes reference to the fact that Dreykov would make us all know exactly how to fly an aircraft, how to do so many things that might come in handy in a fight. That's just about all we learnt. Things that would make us the perfect little assassins. Dreykov's perfect little killers. "You're literally being such a mum."
I roll my eyes. That is the second time she's said that to me since we met up with her.
"Yelena," I sigh, putting on my own headphones. "I'm older than you."
"So? That doesn't mean you're better than me, Natasha."
Wanda smiles. "Just let her drive the plane. That way you can take care of the... more complicated parts." Yelena gets mad at that, muttering something about the fact that controlling a helicopter is just as hard.
"Put these in," I tell them as I pull out an earpiece for each of us. "Just in case any of us need to leave the helicopter. We have to be able to stay in touch."
Yelena takes it from me, slipping of her headphones and putting it in her ear.
Wanda does the same. "Are we ready?" She asks, making sure her earpiece is in properly.
Yelena nods and I sit beside her. Wanda stands behind me, her hands resting on the back of my seat.
"We're really doing this?" Yelena asks as she's about to lift off.
I don't want to be doing it, no. I didn't want to have to resort to this... but if it's what I've got to do to bring down the Red Room, then I will do it. I'll do anything.
"Yeah," I nod. "I guess we are."
She slowly nods. "Hold on tight, Wanda."
"I'm fine," Wanda says behind me. "Don't worry about me. I have very steady feet. I used to have to brace for impact when Pietro... when..." she pauses, and I turn to face her.
"You've told me this, he used to see if he could knock you down, didn't he?" I smile softly at her. She nods.
"He used to see if he could catch me off guard by running around in the street, and he'd see if he could run into me before I could get away." She smiles, and I can see the memory passing through her like a film reel. "I never fell. Not even once."
"You don't seem like the sort of person that would let people knock you over," Yelena glances over at her. "Especially wearing that."
Wanda smiles, glancing down at her wrist, that's covered by her glove. I place my hand over hers as Yelena starts getting the thing moving.
Wanda doesn't even flinch.

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