Chapter Five

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Wanda was spectacular

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Wanda was spectacular. Stepping in when Yelena and I didn't know when to stop. For helping us get away. Just being here in general. Yelena's comments about us have thrown me off a little bit - caused a distraction in my mind that shouldn't be there. I shouldn't be focussing on what Yelena said, yet I can't stop thinking about it.
Even as the three of us are running towards the motorcycle, I can't stop thinking about it.
"I'll be right behind you," Wanda says as we reach the bike.
"Shit, where are my keys-" Yelena starts, but I cut her off by tossing them in the air. "How did you get those?"
"I'm driving," I tell her, and she opens her mouth to object, but I cut her off. "Any day now," I roll my eyes as she climbs on behind me. "Are you sure you're alright behind us?" I ask Wanda, but before she can reply, a car comes crashing past us at the end of the street, before a huge tank like truck locates us. Wanda nods.
She's already up in the air, her hair flowing behind her. "Go," she calls out.
She is right behind us the entire time as we fight the traffic, as we fight to get away from the tank.
"It's the thing that tried to kill us for the vials!" I call out to Yelena.
"Sorry about that," Yelena answers.
"Where's Wanda?" I ask her.
"Your secret, undercover girlfriend?" Yelena laughs. "She's doing fine. In fact, she's slowing down the heavily armed tank while she's also making sure that other cars and civilians are out of the way." Yelena tells me and I smile. That sounds like Wanda. Well, the sort of Wanda that I see. Of course SHIELD chooses to paint her as a manipulative, psychotic threat to society. She's not a threat. If it weren't for her, there's be hundreds of people lying dead on the side of the road.
"Watch where you're going, Natasha." Yelena nudges me. "Don't let your girlfriend distract you."
"She's not my girlfriend," I tell her.
"Not yet anyway," I hear her mutter. The words bring a little smile to my face, but I quickly drop it.

We are heading straight for a dead end, straight for the side of one of the overpasses.
Wanda has managed to slow down the huge tank thing, and we've got no choice but to throw ourselves over the edges.

Yelena pulls out her gun as soon as she stands, and i scoff at her.
"You can't just point a gun at a guy and steal his car, Yelena." She rolls her eyes as she climbs inside the car.
"I'm sorry, I'll chase him up and I'll un-steal it and leave a little thank you note." Wanda slips in the back, breathless.
"I can't hold it back anymore, whatever it is, it's not stopping for anyone." Wanda sits in the back making sure that all civilians are out of the way.
"Drive faster," Yelena exclaims. "You drive like a granny."
"Shut up, Yelena. Wanda and I have already had to fight this thing once before, because you decided to send the vials to me. Excuse us if we don't want to fight it again. I'm also trying to cause the slightest amount of damage possible to the city. I don't want SHIELD chasing me up for damage to another city."
"Yeah," Wanda replies. "My track record for leaving things as I find them is not very good."
Yelena laughs. "Honestly. The two of you are a good pair. Both on the run from SHIELD, and yet you both decide that you're going to bring attention to yourselves by coming straight to Budapest, where you're being hunted by Widows and war machines alike. Makes perfect sense." She shakes her head.
"Damn," Wanda sighs. "They're back."
I glance in the rear view mirror, and see one of the girls from earlier, hunting us with a motorcycle.
Wanda is busy in the back, and I'm trying to keep us moving through the crowd of traffic without killing anyone.
She's trying to shoot at us, and ends up shooting through the back windscreen. Luckily for us, Wanda is in the back, and casts a deflective shield in place of the window. Yelena ducks down, telling me to drive faster.
"I can't," I say through gritted teeth, "If I go any faster, I'll end up killing people."
"Well, we have a robot in a tank looking vehicle, a dozen or so Widows, and you're driving slow! Do something!" Yelena argues with me.

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