Chapter Twenty

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As soon as we are back at SHIELD headquarters, Yelena and I are whisked away

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As soon as we are back at SHIELD headquarters, Yelena and I are whisked away.
Ross wants to directly speak with Nat on her own, and as much as I don't like the thought of that, I know that it's for the best.
On her own, Nat is unstoppable. Yelena and I would say something that gets on Ross' nerves and we'd be back at the start. If anyone can get us out of this whole situation, it's her.
"No offence, Wanda, but I think that your idea of fun and mine are completely different." Yelena huffs from beside me. We're sitting on a bench together, waiting for Ross' verdict.
I nudge her. "Help me out of this." The straight jacket confines me, and I have more control over my magic than I did. I know they think I'm a threat, I know they think that I'm out of control... but I'm... getting better.
Yelena helps, and I stretch out my arms.
"I will admit that this isn't obviously fun. I never said that this particular part of it was going to be fun. But as soon as we get out, it's going to be fun. I promise."
Yelena bites her lip, looking over at me. "Do you think they'll like me?"
"Who?" I turn to face her, and I can see the worry that's etched into her smile.
"Nat's superhero friends. What if I'm not... not... good like she is?"
"Yelena," I take her hand. "Nat has made mistakes. I've made so many mistakes that I've lost count. I could sit here and list them all for you if you wanted me to, but I'm sure we'd be here for a long time. They've all made mistakes, but that's the thing about the Avengers," I tell her with a smile. "Mistakes are just mistakes. You don't judge people based off of their mistakes." Nat was the one that engrained that into everyone. "They're going to love you. Trust me, none of them know how important pockets are."
I'm glad that I can make her smile. "You're right."
"I know," I softly laugh.

"Do you even think your magic works in here?" Yelena is sitting on the floor now, her legs splayed out in front of her.
I try it, my hand illuminated with red. "I guess they haven't figured out a way to stop me without a straight jacket."
Yelena laughs, sighing. "How much longer are we going to have to be in here? Why is he only speaking to Natasha?" She groans, leaning her head back on the seat. "It's so boring in here. And my eyes hurt from these lights."
I laugh at her.
"What? Are your eyes not sore?" She smirks.
"No," I laugh. "They're not. You're just sensitive."
Yelena scoffs. "I am not!" She rolls her eyes. "But I will be if she doesn't get back soon. How long have we been in here already? A day?"
"It's been two and a half hours." I laugh when she groans.
There's guards waiting outside, and I know that Yelena is about ten seconds away from figuring out how she can break herself out of here.
"She'll be back soon." I tell her. "Just think about what sort of dog you're going to get when you get out."
She sighs, and I spend my time thinking about Billy and Tommy, about how I have to turn my attention back to finding them again.

I'm distracted from my plans when Yelena stands up. Nat comes towards us, grinning.
"Let's go." She tells us as the glass door slides open. "We've got places to be."
Yelena practically leaps from the cell, but I'm a little wary of it.
"How'd you get him to let us go - less than twenty four hours ago, we were still fugitives." Ross had to have wanted something in return.
"He was feeling generous." She tells me, taking my hand. "Come on, let's go."
"Ross is never generous. He always has a purpose." I've heard her complaining about him for long enough to know that nothing comes free from him. "What do you have to do? Why is he just letting-"
"Wanda," Nat stops walking, and smiles. "I'm serious. It's all in the past. He realised that what we did, bringing down the Red Room... was worth our mistakes." I just don't believe her. I don't have to read her mind to know she's lying.
I shake my head. "That's not it."
Nat closes her eyes, sighing. "Okay, there might have been a little compromise." She pauses. "But we were going to do it anyway, so it's really not a big deal."
"What? What is it?"
"We've got to get the Avengers back together. Ross knows that there is more value in us all working together than SHIELD having to hunt us all down as fugitives." Nat tells me. "Now, come on. We're free to go."
"So you mean to tell me that there's no consequences for what I did?" That's not right. It's not far.
"No," Nat tells me. "You're free. It's in the past now, Wanda."
"But I-" It's not right.
"Wanda. We have to go. I want to get out of here with you. I want to be alone with you and I want to just... I just want to be with you." She leans in and kisses me. "Just because you haven't forgiven yourself doesn't mean the world hasn't, baby." She murmurs, and I can't help but feel my heart skip a beat.
I let her take my hand and lead me out of SHIELD.

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