🧾 Moon | Love in Destin

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1) Tell us a little bit about yourself and who you think would love your story!

Hi! My name's Paula and I'm 17 years old. I love to read tons of books not only here on Wattpad but also outside Wattpad. My favorite genres are Dystopian and Fantasy. I generally wrote a book I wanted to read, a sweet romance with my own twist. I think just about anyone would enjoy my story, although I believe that most teenagers like myself would enjoy it more since we're all suckers for a bit of romance from time to time. Well, if it's missing in our lives why not get some from a book?

2) What are some things that helped inspire your story?

My imagination and tons of movies. I like to imagine myself in certain scenes when I'm not doing anything and then think to use that scene as a book idea. Then, ideas for the plot and more scenes just come gradually.

3) Finally, what's one thing you're most proud of in your story?

I'm most proud of the characters I've created and how they've come to life. I still can't believe that my own hands and mind brought them to life. I can't wait to see how much they'll grow and how far they'll go. They are my babies after all :))

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