🧾 Sun | And Then Death Greeted Me

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You only have 15 seconds left to live. Oh no! Give us your best pitch for your story during that time!

The tale of an absolutely average teenage girl, Vernice Demir, illustrates the difficulty in the psychological trials and tribulations of high school. A wake-up call in the form of a new classmate forces Vernice to understand that to fight the self-destructive urges that doom her, she must learn to accept her flaws, face her fears, and allow her loved ones (along with that pesky Grim Reaper) into her heart.

What was the best comment you ever received on your story? Give their username if you can!

stanrie was the first active reader my book had - and what's more, that was my first draft, which I'd pantsed my way through, and was, in my opinion, quite incomprehensible. The fact that they had taken the time and effort to PM me a paragraph about how much they'd related to my book and my characters gave me the motivation to continue writing the second draft

What kind of writer do you strive to be? Someone whose works bring lots of joy and laughter? Someone who can write the most beautiful prose?

I want to be able to make readers feel things. When my characters cry, I want them to cry. When my characters laugh, I want them to laugh. That's the mark of a good writer, I think, and I want to hit that mark. Beyond that, I want my writing to be the sort that causes discussion and controversy between its readers. I want my writing to be thoughtful and meaningful.

What are some fantastical dreams you have for your work? A movie adaption? With which actors? Fanfictions? Wiki-page?

Oh, goodness. I mean, are you really a writer if you haven't daydreamed constantly to the point of obsession about an adaptation of your book, made the aesthetics, casted the characters and chosen the locations? (You didn't hear it from me.) Honestly, I'd love to see a musical of my book, or at least a theatre production. I don't mind my book having a small following as long as it's loving and committed, so fanfictions isn't a big thing for me. More than anything, I want any book that I may eventually get published to become a modern classic. But I'm not there yet.

What was the silliest thing you've ever done in order to help with your writing?

I've only been writing seriously for about a year, so I don't have much experience to draw from. Probably just that one time I ignored my book for a month because of a particularly exaggerated case of writer's block.

Name some people on Wattpad that you feel have helped you on your writing journey. Or, who are some Wattpad authors you personally look up to?

HA! How could I not name you, Mrs Evelyn Yang? grendelthegood has been the best influence on my writing from Wattpad. Settings, inner conflict, a perfect plot - The Omen Girl hits all those marks and more. It's a shame I read it after I'd written And Then Death Greeted Me. I read a lot on Wattpad, but more for my enjoyment rather than the improvement of my writing. Off Wattpad, I'd say J.K. Rowling, Victoria Aveyard, John Steinbeck and Audrey Niffenegger have been my biggest writing influences. I'm looking to Fyodor Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment for inspiration for my future non-Wattpad writing. 

If you have any final remarks, leave them here!

Evelyn, it has been a pleasure and a joy! Thank you for this opportunity. You're fabulous. Thank you to everyone who has read my book and supported me! If you haven't read And Then Death Greeted Me, check it out if you want! I'd love a few active readers. Love, yours truly.

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