🧾 Moon | Heart of Sparrow

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1) Tell us a little bit about yourself and who you think would love your story!

Hello, my pen name is Ann! I teach junior high English by day and write like a vigilante by night. I try to write stories with complex characters and themes because that's what always hooks me as a reader.  

2) What are some things that helped inspire your story?

I grew up watching Interview with a Vampire as a little girl. Yes, my mom had it on repeat. So Anne Rice paired with a growing fascination for the Yoruba religion and how it has taken such a range of shape in the U.S. is what inspired Heart of Sparrow. Random, right? I know.

3) Finally, what's one thing you're most proud of in your story?

My commitment to juggle all of the cultures/religions that pop up in this book while keeping it a young adult read! It's a challenge, but so much fun!

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